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首页 > 团队队伍 > 教师 > 水环境保护教研所 > 正文







1978.2-1982.1 重庆建筑工程学院城建系给水排水专业 本科

1983.4-1985.3 日本九州工业大学环境工学科 硕士研究生

1985.4-1988.3 日本东京工业大学化学环境工学专攻 博士研究生


2012.03-至今    环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室 主任

2010.09-2021.12  12BET水环境保护教研所 所长

2007.07-2007.09  日本京都大学 客座教授

2000.11-2017.12  12BET(环境科学与工程系)学术委员会 主任

2000.11-2012.03  环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室 副主任

1998.12-1999.03  日本东京工业大学 客座教授

1998.09-1998.10  英国University of Leeds访问学者

1997.07-至今    12BET(环境科学与工程系) 教授

1995.03-1997.03  日本丰桥技术科学老员工态工学系 副教授

1994.04-1994.07  美国University of Cincinnati 访问学者

1992.12-1997.07  12BET环境工程系 副教授

1989.05-1992.12  12BET环境工程系 讲师



2022.10-至今  Water Research X, Editor

2017.10-2020.12  Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, Associate Editor

2011.01-至今  ACS ES&T Engineering, Editorial Advisory Board

2009.01-至今  Water Science & Technology, Associate Editor

2007.01-至今  Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief

2018.01-至今  《环境工程》 副主编

2005.01-至今  《环境科学》、《环境科学学报》、《膜科学与技术》、《水处理技术》 编委

2018.01-2022.12  国际水协会膜技术专家委员会 主席

2016.08-至今  国际水协会膜技术专家委员会中国分会 主席

2014.01-2017.12  国际水协会膜技术专家委员会 副主席

2013.12-2020.04  国际水协会会士指导委员会 委员

2022.10-至今  中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会 副会长




1. 城市污水资源化利用关键技术研发与应用示范(国家重点研发计划项目)(2022-2026)

2. 难降解工业废水全流程强化碳氮深度去除新工艺研究(科技部国际科技合作项目)(2023-2025)

3. 疫情聚集区环境污染及次生风险阻控机制(国家自然科学基金重大项目课题)(2021-2025)

4. 城市排水系统减污降碳协同技术体系研究与示范(中日国际合作项目)(2022-2024)

5. 厌氧膜法城镇污水资源能源化中膜污染机制与控制新方法(北京市重点基金)(2018-2021)

6. 污水再生高压膜工艺中无机-有机-生物膜污染耦合效应与动态作用机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目)(2017-2020)

7. 基于膜集成系统的污水净化耦合能源回收新型技术(科技部国际科技合作重点专项)(2016-2019)

8. 基于物质定向转化/转移的城市污水再生回用深度处理新技术原理(国家自然科学基金重点课题)(2013-2017)
















2022  北京市科技进步一等奖(排名1)

2021  12BET教学成果一等奖

2020  国际水协会Distinguished Fellow

2020  中国膜行业教育名师奖

2020  12BET传道寸心奖

2020  12BET年度教学优秀奖

2018  Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology年度最佳论文奖

2018  高等学校自然科学一等奖(排名1)

2017  国家科技进步二等奖(排名1)

2017  12BET年度教学优秀奖

2016  高等学校科技进步一等奖(排名1)

2014  第一批国家环境保护专业技术领军人才

2013  宝钢教育基金优秀教师特等奖

2012  国际水协会Fellow

2011  教育部创新团队(负责人)

2011  Environmental Science & Technology Excellence in Review Awards

2010  Environmental Science & Technology年度十佳论文奖(技术类第一)

2010  12BET教学成果特等奖

2009  国家科技进步二等奖(排名1)

2009  教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授

2009  北京市优秀教师

2008  高等学校科技进步一等奖(排名1)

2007  国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金获得者

2006  高等学校科技进步一等奖(排名4)

2005  华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖(排名7)

2003  国家科技进步二等奖(排名3)

2003  高等学校自然科学一等奖(排名2)

2002  北京市科技进步一等奖(排名3)

1998  12BET学术新人奖

1998  中国环境科学学会首届青年科技奖

1993  北京市普通学校优秀教学成果一等奖



1. 黄霞, 文湘华. 水处理膜生物反应器原理与应用, 科学出版社, 2012

2. 黄霞, 文湘华. 膜法水处理工艺膜污染机理与控制技术, 科学出版社, 2016

3. 张晓健, 黄霞. 水与废水物化处理的原理与工艺, 12BET出版, 2011

4. 胡洪营, 张旭,黄霞, 王伟, 席劲瑛. 环境工程原理(第三版), 高等教育出版社, 2015

5. Xia Huang, Fangang Meng, Kang Xiao, Hector A. Garcia, Jiao Zhang: Chapter 13 Membrane Bioreactors, Biological Wastewater Treatment - Principles, Modelling and Design (2nd Edition), IWA Publishing, 2020



  1. Weichen Lin, Danyang Li, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: Dynamic evolution of membrane biofouling in feed channels affected by spacer–membrane clearance and the induced hydrodynamic conditions, Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 668: 121209

  2. Shuai Luo, Xianzheng Zhu, Boya Fu, Fubin Liu, Lequn Sun, Kai He, Heng Yang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Outstanding energy reduction of nitrogen recovery by biohythane concept introduction by 3D-weaved anode network in microbial electrolysis cell, Resource, Conservation & Recycling, 2023, 188:106644

  3. Shu Wang, Yufang Li, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix as a novel indicator of assimilable organic carbon in wastewater: Implication from a coal chemical wastewater study, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 804:150144

  4. Xianzheng Zhu, Liven Wenhui Lee, Guangqing Song, Xian Zhang, Yue Gao, Guang Yang, Shuai Luo, Xia Huang: Deciphering mono/multivalent draw solute-induced microbial ecology and membrane fouling in anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 2022, 209:117869

  5. Cheng Chen, Mingzhuang Sun, Jiang Chang, Ziwei Liu, Xianzheng Zhu, Kang Xiao, Guangqing Song, Hao Wang, Guoliang Liu, Xia Huang: Unravelling temperature-dependent fouling mechanism in a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor via statistical modelling, J. Membrane Science, 2022, 644:120145

  6. Weichen Lin, Jing Lei, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: Performance enhancement of spiral-wound membrane elements with novel diagonal-flow feed channels, Desalination, 2022, 523:115447

  7. Kunpeng Wang, Xiaomao Wang, Brielle Januszewski, Yanling Liu, Danyang Li, Ruoyu Fu, Menachem Elimelech, Xia Huang: Tailored design of nanofiltration membranes for water treatment based on synthesis-property-performance relationships, Chemical Society Reviews, 2022, 51:672

  8. Shaolin Yang, Qian Dong, Siqi Li, Zhao Cheng, Xiaofeng Kang, Daheng Ren, Chenyang Xu, Xiaohong Zhou, Peng Liang, Lingli Sun, Jianhong Zhao, Yang Jiao, Taoli Han, Yanchen Liu, Yi Qian, Yi Liu, Xia Huang, Jiuhui Qu: Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater after the end of the COVID-19 epidemics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 429:128358

  9. Lisheng Wang, Wancong Gu, Yanchen Liu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang and Xia Huang: Challenges, solutions and prospects of mainstream anammox denitrification process for municipal wastewater treatment, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 820:153351

  10. Weichen Lin, Qiao Wang, Lequn Sun, Dingyi Wang, Johny Cabrera, Danyang Li, Ligang Hu, Guibin Jiang, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: The critical role of feed spacer channel porosity in membrane biofouling: An experimental and numerical study, Journal of Membrane Science. 2022, 649:120395

  11. Shengqiang Hei, Hui Xu, Liu Yancheng, Biming Liu, Shuo Zhang, Xianzheng Zhu, Weichen Lin, Lu Chen, Haisha Jiang, Xianwei Cheng, Xiaolei Yong, Xiaoyi Wu, Xia Huang: Redox environment inducing strategy for enhancing biological phosphorus removal in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 376:134237

  12. Cheng Chen, Mingzhuang Sun, Ziwei Liu, Jiao Zhang, Kang Xiao, Xian Zhang, Guangqing Song, Jiang Chang, Guoliang Liu Hao Wang Xia Huang: Robustness of granular activated carbon-synergized anaerobic membrane bioreactor for pilot-scale application over a wide seasonal temperature change, Water Research, 2021, 189:116552

  13. Liven Wenhui Lee, Xianzheng Zhu, Ziwei Liu, Yue Gao, Cheng Chen, Xia Huang: Probing the key foulants and membrane fouling under increasing salinity in anaerobic osmotic membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 413:127450

  14. Nuerla Ailijiang, Jiali Chang, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Electrical stimulation on biodegradation of phenolics in a novel anaerobic-aerobic-coupled upflow bioelectrochemical reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421:127840

  15. Jiao Zhang, Kang Xiao, Ziwei Liu, Tingwei Gao, Shuai Liang, Xia Huang: Large-scale membrane bioreactors for industrial wastewater treatment in China: technical and economic features, driving forces, and perspectives, Engineering, 2021, 7:868-880

  16. Yufang Li, Han Wang, Shu Wang, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Enzymatic cleaning mitigates polysaccharide-induced refouling of RO membrane: evidences from foulant layer structure and microbial dynamics, Environ. Sci. Tech., 2021, 55:4183-5602

  17. Dongya Sun, Yanhong Bian, Panpan Liu, Han Wang, Ting Xu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Xi Chen, Xia Huang: Electricity enhances biological Fe(Ⅲ) reduction and phosphorus recovery from FeP complex: proof of concept and kinetic analysis, ACS ES&T Engineering, 2021, 1:523-532

  18. Shuo Zhang, Kai Yang, Wei Liu, Ying Xu, Shengqiang Hei, Jiao Zhang, Cheng Chen, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang and Xia Huang: Understanding the mechanism of membrane fouling suppression in electro-anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 418:129384

  19. Weichen Lin, Yuting Zhang, Danyang Li, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: Roles and performance enhancement of feed spacer in the membrane systems for water treatment: a 20-year review on research evolvement, Water Research, 2021, 198:117146

  20. Shuai Luo, Fubin Liu, Boya Fu, Kai He, Heng Yang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Onset investigation on dynamic change of biohythane generation and microbial structure in dual-chamber versus single-chamber microbial electrolysis cells, Water Research, 2021, 201:117326

  21. Kuichang Zuo, Kunpeng Wang, Ryan M. DuChanois, Qiyi Fang, Eva M. Deemer, Xiaochuan Huang, Ruikun Xin, Ibrahim A. Said, Ze He, Yuren Feng, W. Shane Walker, Jun Lou, Menachem Elimelech, Xia Huang, Qilin Li: Selective membranes in water and wastewater treatment: Role of advanced materials, Materials Today, 2021, 50:516-532

  22. Danyang Li, Weichen Lin, Ruipeng Shao, Yue-xiao Shen, Xianzheng Zhu, Xia Huang: Interaction between humic acid and silica in reverse osmosis membrane fouling process: A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics insight, Water Research, 2021, 206:117773

  23. Yufang Li, Mengchen Li, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Reverse osmosis membrane autopsy in coal chemical wastewater treatment: Evidences of spatially heterogeneous fouling and organicinorganic synergistic effect, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246:118964

  24. Shuo Zhang, Yinan Zhao, Kai Yang, Wei Liu, Ying Xu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Versatile zero valent iron applied in anaerobic membrane reactor for treating municipal wastewater: Performances and mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382:123000

  25. Han Wang, Ziwei Liu, Shuai Luo, Rashid Khan, Pan Dai, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Membrane autopsy deciphering keystone microorganisms stubborn against online NaOCl cleaning in a full-scale MBR, Water Research, 2020, 171:115390

  26. Shuai Luo, Boya Fu, Fubin Liu, Kai He, Heng Yang, Junjun Ma, Han Wang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Construction of innovative 3D-weaved carbon mesh anode network to boost electron transfer and microbial activity in bioelectrochemical system, Water Research, 2020, 172:115493

  27. Xuemin Lv, Jiao Zhang1, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Kai Yang, Xia Huang: Phytoplankton in an urban river replenished by reclaimed water: Features, influential factors and simulation, Ecological Indicators, 2020, 112:106090

  28. Jiao Zhang, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Full-scale MBR applications for leachate treatment in China: Practical, technical, and economic features, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 389:122138

  29. Shu Wang, Xia Huang, Menachem Elimelech: Complexation between dissolved silica and alginate molecules: Implications for reverse osmosis membrane fouling, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 605:118109

  30. Yifan Gao, Ni Yan, Chengxu Jiang, Chenyang Xu, Shuyan Yu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shuai Liang, Xia Huang: Filtration-enhanced highly efficient photocatalytic degradation with a novel electrospun rGO@TiO2 nanofibrous membrane: Implication for improving photocatalytic efficiency, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 268:118737

  31. Yue Gao, Zhou Fang, Cheng Chen, Xianzheng Zhu, Peng Liang, Yong Qiu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Evaluating the performance of inorganic draw solution concentrations in an anaerobic forward osmosis membrane bioreactor for real municipal sewage treatment, Bioresource Technology, 2020, 307:123254

  32. Kang Xiao, Jinlan Yu, Shu Wang, Jianqing Du, Jihua Tan, Kai Xue, Yanfen Wang, Xia Huang: Relationship between fluorescence excitation-emission matrix properties and the relative degree of DOM hydrophobicity in wastewater treatment effluents, Chemosphere, 2020, 254:126830

  33. Shuyan Yu, Yifan Gao, Rashid Khan, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Electrospun PAN-based graphene/SnO2 carbon nanofibers as anodic electrocatalysis microfiltration membrane for sulfamethoxazole degradation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 614:118368

  34. Ziwei Liu, Jinlan Yu, Kang Xiao, Cheng Chen, He Ma, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Quantitative relationships for the impact of gas sparging conditions on membrane fouling in anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276: 123139

  35. Weichen Lin, Mengchen Li, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: The role shifting of organic, inorganic and biological foulants along different positions of a two-stage nanofiltration process, Journal of Membrane Science, 2020, 602:117979

  36. Weichen Lin, Rui-peng Shao, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: Impacts of non-uniform filament feed spacers characteristics on the hydraulic and anti-fouling performances in the spacer-filled membrane channels: Experiment and numerical simulation, Water Research, 2020, 185:116251

  37. Kang Xiao, Shuai Liang, Xiaomao Wang, Chunsheng Chen, Xia Huang: Current state and challenges of full-scale membrane bioreactor applications: A critical review, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 271:474-481

  38. Fubin Liu, Lisheng Wang, Kuichang Zuo, Shuai Luo, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: A novel operational strategy to enhance wastewater treatment with dual-anode assembled microbial desalination cell, Bioelectrochemistry, 2019, 126:99-104

  39. Kang Xiao, Bingjun Han, Jianyu Sun, Jihua Tan, Jinlan Yu, Shuai Liang, Yuexiao Shen, Xia Huang: Stokes shift and specific fluorescence as potential indicators of organic matter hydrophobicity and molecular weight in membrane bioreactors, Environ. Sci. Tech., 2019, 53:8985-8993

  40. Ziwei Liu, Xianzheng Zhu, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Katsuki Kimura, Xia Huang: Distinction between polymeric and ceramic membrane in AnMBR treating municipal wastewater: in terms of irremovable fouling, Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 588:117229

  41. Xuemin Lv, Qian Dong, Zhiqiang Zuo, Yanchen Liu, Xia Huang, Wei-Min Wu: Microplastics in a municipal wastewater treatment plant: Fate, dynamic distribution, removal efficiencies, and control strategies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 225:579-586

  42. Weichen Lin, Mengchen Li, Yunhong Wang, Xiaomao Wang, Kai Xue, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Quantifying the dynamic evolution of organic, inorganic and biological synergistic fouling during nanofiltration using statistical approaches, Environment International, 2019, 133:105201

  43. Guanhao Chen, Zhibo Ma, Kang Xiao, Xiaomao Wang, Shuai Liang, Xia Huang: Hierarchically textured superhydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride membrane via nanocasting and post-fabrication grafting of surface-tailored silica nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano, 2019, 6:3579

  44. Qing Wu, Xiaoxu Yan, Kang Xiao, Jing Guan, Tianyu Li, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Optimization of membrane unit location in a full-scale membrane bioreactor using computational fluid dynamics, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249:402-409

  45. Kuichang Zuo, Mansheng Chen, Fubin Liu, Kang Xiao, Jiaolan Zuo, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Coupling microfiltration membrane with biocathode microbial desalination cell enhances advanced purification and long-term stability for treatment of domestic wastewater, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 547:34-42

  46. Kang Xiao, Shuai Liang, Aihua Xiao, Ting Lei, Jihua Tan, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang: Fluorescence quotient of excitation-emission matrices as a potential indicator of organic matter behavior in membrane bioreactors, Environ. Sci.: Wat. Res. & Technol., 2018, 4:  281-290

  47. Dongya Sun, Yifan Gao, Dianxun Hou, Kuichang Zuo, Xi Chen, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Xia Huang: Energy-neutral sustainable nutrient recovery incorporated with the wastewater purification process in an enlarged microbial nutrient recovery cell, Journal of Power Source, 2018, 384:160-164

  48. Jiao Zhang, Mark W. Bligh, Peng Liang, T. David Waite, Xia Huang: Phosphorus removal by in situ generated Fe(II): Efficacy, kinetics and mechanism, Water Research, 2018, 136: 120-130

  49. Huiju Fan, Kang Xiao, Situ Mu, Yue Zhou, Jianbo Ma, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang: Impact of membrane pore morphology on multi-cycle fouling and cleaning of hydrophobic and hydrophilic membranes during MBR operation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 556: 312-320

  50. Peng Liang, Rui Duan, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yong Qiu, Xia Huang: One-year operation of 1000-L modularized microbial fuel cell for municipal wastewater treatment, Water Research, 2018, 141:1-8

  51. Min Zheng, Shuang Wu, Zhiqiang Zuo, Zhiyao Wang, Yong Qiu, Yan-chen Liu, Xia Huang, Zhiguo Yuan: Predictions of the influent and operational conditions for partial nitritation with a model incorporating pH dynamics, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2018, 52:6457-6465

  52. Yifan Gao, Dongya Sun, Han Wang, Lu Lu, He Ma, Lisheng Wang, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xi Chen, Xia Huang: Urine-powered synergy of urine purification and nutrient recovery in a microbial electrochemical system, Environ. Sci.: Wat. Res. & Technol. 2018, 4:1427-1438 (Best Paper Award)

  53. Kang Xiao, Yuexiao Shen, Shuai Liang, Jihua Tan, Xiaomao Wang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Characteristic regions of fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) to identify hydrophobic/hydrophilic contents of organic matter in membrane bioreactors, Environ. Sci. Tech., 2018, 52:11251-11258

  54. Shijia Wu, Weihua He, Wulin Yang, Yaoli Ye, Xia Huang, and Bruce E. Logan: Carbon mesh combined with graphite fiber brush anode to enhance and stabilize power generation performance of microbial fuel cells for treating domestic wastewater, Journal of Power Source, 2017, 356:348-355

  55. Ying Xu, Ningwei Zhu, Jianyu Sun, Peng Liang, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Evaluating oxygen mass transfer parameters for large-scale engineering application of membrane bioreactors, Process Biochemistry, 2017, 60:13-18

  56. Xi Chen, Yifan Gao, Dianxun Hou, He Ma, Lu Lu, Dongya Sun, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Zhiyong Jason Ren: The microbial electrochemical current accelerates urea hydrolysis for recovery of nutrients from source-separated urine, Environ. Sci. Tech. letters, 2017, 4:305-310

  57. Xi Chen, Han Zhou, Kuichang Zuo, Yue Zhou, Qiuying Wang, Dongya Sun, Yifan Gao, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Zhiyong Jason Ren, Xia Huang: Self-sustaining advanced wastewater purification and simultaneous in situ nutrient recovery in a novel bioelectrochemical system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 330:692-697

  58. Kuichang Zuo, Jiali Chang, Fubin Liu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Enhanced organics removal and partial desalination of high strength industrial wastewater with a multi-stage microbial desalination cell, Desalination, 2107, 423:104-110

  59. Yonghua Yao, Xia Huang: Ferrous ion regulated extracellular electron transfer: towards self-suppressed microbial iron (Ⅲ) oxides reduction, Chemical Communication, 2016, 52: 3324-3327

  60. Jianyu Sun, Kang Xiao, Xiaoxu Yan, Peng Liang, Junlin Xia, Yong Qiu, Qing Wu, Shijia Wu, Xia Huang, Meng Qi, Xianghua Wen: Reducing aeration energy consumption in a large-scale membrane bioreactor: process simulation and engineering application, Water Research, 2016, 93:205-213

  61. Kang Xiao, Jian-yu Sun, Yue-xiao Shen, Shuai Liang, Peng Liang, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: Fluorescent properties of dissolved organic matter as functions of hydrophobicity and molecular weight? Case studies from two membrane bioreactors and an oxidation ditch, RSC Advances, 2016, 6:24050-24059

  62. Xi Chen, Haotian Sun, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Optimization of membrane stack configuration in enlarged microbial desalination cells for efficient water desalination. Journal of Power Source, 2016, 324:79-85

  63. Shijia Wu, Hui Li, Xuechen Zhou, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Yong Jiang, Xia Huang: A novel pilot-scale stacked microbial fuel cell for efficient electricity generation and wastewater treatment, Water Research, 2016, 98:396-403

  64. Kuichang Zuo, Zhen Wang, Xi Chen, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jiaolan Zuo, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Self-driven desalination and advanced treatment of wastewater in a modularized filtration air cathode microbial desalination cell, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2016, 50:7254-7262

  65. Yanmei Sun, Yue-xiao Shen, Peng Liang, Jizhong Zhou, Yunfeng Yang, and Xia Huang: Multiple antibiotic resistance genes distribution in ten large-scale membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222:100-106

  66. Xiaoxu Yan, Kang Xiao, Shuai Liang, Ting Lei, Peng Liang, Tao Xue, Kaichang Yu, Jing Guan, Xia Huang: Hydraulic optimization of membrane bioreactor via baffle modification using computational fluid dynamics, Bioresource Technology, 2015, 175: 633-637

  67. Kuichang Zuo, Shuai Liang, Peng Liang, Xuechen Zhou, Dongya Sun, Xiaoyuan Zhang, and Xia Huang: Carbon filtration cathode in microbial fuel cell to enhance wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology, 2015, 185:426-430

  68. Jiao Zhang, Abdallatif Satti, Xingguo Chen, Kang Xiao, Jianyu Sun, Xiaoxu Yan, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Low-voltage electric field applied into MBR for fouling suppression: performance and mechanisms, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 273:223-230

  69. Kuichang Zuo, Han Liu, Qiaoying Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Chad D. Vecitis: A single-use paper-shaped microbial fuel cell for rapid aqueous biosensing. ChemSusChem, 2015, 8: 2035-2040

  70. Shu Wang, Shuai Liang, Peng Liang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Jianyu Sun, Shijia Wu, Xia Huang: In-situ combined dual-layer CNT/PVDF membrane for electrically-enhanced fouling resistance, Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 491:37-44

  71. Yinghui Mo, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Effect of nanofiltration membrane surface fouling on organic micro-pollutants rejection: The roles of aqueous transport and solid transport, Desalination, 2015, 367:103-111

  72. Xi Chen, Dongya Sun, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Novel self-powered microbial nutrient recovery cell for simultaneous wastewater purification and nutrient recovery, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:15744

  73. Yanhong Bian, Xufei Yang, Peng Liang, Yong Jiang, Changyong Zhang, Xia Huang: Enhanced desalination performance of membrane capacitive deionizatio cells by packing the flow chamber with granular activated carbon, Water Research, 2015, 85:371-376

  74. Jianyu Sun, Kang Xiao, Yinghui Mo, Peng Liang, Yuexiao Shen, Ningwei Zhu, Xia Huang. Seasonal characteristics of supernatant organics and its effect on membrane fouling in a full-scale membrane bioreactor, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 453:168-174

  75. Shuai Liang, Kang Xiao, Jinling Wu, Peng Liang, and Xia Huang: Mechanism of membrane filterability amelioration via tuning mixed liquor property by pre-ozonation, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 454:111-118

  76. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xue Xia, Ivan Ivanov, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Enhanced activated carbon cathode performance for microbial fuel cell by blending carbon black, Environ. Sci. Technol, 2014, 48:2075-2081

  77. Kang Xiao, Jianyu Sun, Yinghui Mo, Zhou Fang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Jianbo Ma, Bingrong Ma: Effect of membrane pore morphology on microfiltration organic fouling: PTFE/PVDF blend membranes compared with PVDF membranes, Desalination, 2014, 343: 217-225

  78. Yanmei Sun, Yuexiao Shen, Peng Liang, Jizhong Zhou, Yunfeng Yang, Xia Huang: Linkages between microbial functional potential and wastewater constituents in large-scale operational membrane bioreactors for the municipal wastewater treatment, Water Research, 2014, 56:162-171

  79. Shuai Liang, Genggeng Qi, Kang Xiao, Jianyu Sun, Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Xia Huang, Menachem Elimelech: Organic fouling behavior of superhydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membranes functionalized with surface-tailored nanoparticles: Implications for fouling in membrane bioreactors, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 463:94-101

  80. Kang Xiao, Yuexiao Shen, Shuai Liang, Peng Liang, Xiao-mao Wang, Xia Huang: A systematic analysis of fouling evolution and irreversibility behaviors of MBR supernatant hydrophilic/hydrophobic fractions during microfiltration, Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 467: 206-216

  81. Jiao Zhang, Kang Xiao, Peng Liang, T. David Waite, Xia Huang: Electrically released iron for fouling control in membrane bioreactors: A double-edged sword? Desalination, 2014, 347:10-14

  82. Xi Luo, Fang Zhang, Jia Liu, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Methane production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis methanogenesis cells (MRMCs) using thermolytic solutions, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48:8911-8918

  83. Kuichang Zuo, Jiaxiang Cai, Shuai Liang, Shijia Wu, Changyong Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: A ten liter stacked microbial desalination cell packed with mixed ion-exchange resins for secondary effluent desalination, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48:9917-9924

  84. Kang Xiao, Yuexiao Shen, Xia Huang. An analytical model for membrane fouling evolution associated with gel layer growth during constant pressure stirred dead-end filtration, J. of Mem. Sci., 2013, 427:139-149

  85. Xue Xia, Justin C. Tokash, Fang Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Oxygen reducing biocathodes operating with passive oxygen transfer in microbial fuel cells. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47:2085-2091

  86. Xue Xia, Fang Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Use of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid modified activated carbon as air-cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5:7862-7866

  87. Yuexiao Shen, Kang Xiao, Peng Liang, Yiwei Ma, Xia Huang: Improvement on modified lowry methods against interference by divalent cations for protein quantitation in wastewater systems, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 2013, 97:4167-4178

  88. Xi Luo, Joo-Youn Nam, Fang Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: Optimization of membrane stack configuration for efficient hydrogen production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells coupled with thermolytic solutions, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 140:399-405

  89. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Juan Shi, Xia Huang: Using a glass fiber separator in a single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cell shortens start-up time and improves anode performance at ambient and mesophilic temperatures, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 130: 529-535

  90. Shuai Liang, Yan Kang, Alberto Tiraferri, Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Xia Huang, Menachem Elimelech: A highly hydrophilic polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane via post-fabrication grafting of surface-tailored silica nanoparticles, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5: 6694-6703

  91. Peng Liang, Lulu Yuan, Xufei Yang, Shaoji Zhou, Xia Huang: Coupling ion-exchangers with inexpensive activated carbon fiber electrodes to enhance the performance of capacitive deionization cells for domestic wastewater desalination, Water Research, 2013, 47:2523-2530

  92. Shiting Ren, Xue Xia, Lulu Yuan, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Enhancing charge harvest from microbial fuel cells by controlling the charging and discharging frequency of capacitors, Bioresource Technology, 2013,146:812-815.

  93. Shuai Liang, Kang Xiao, Yinghui Mo, Xia Huang: A novel ZnO nanoparticle blended polyvinylidene fluoride membrane for anti-irreversible fouling, J. of Mem. Sci., 2012, 394-395:184-192

  94. Xi Luo, Xiaoxin Cao, Yinghui Mo, Kang Xiao, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Power generation by coupling reverse electrodialysis and ammonium bicarbonate: implication for recovery of waste heat, Electrochemistry Communications, 2012,19:25-28

  95. Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Kuichang Zuo, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang: Carbonization and activation of inexpensive semicoke packed electrode to enhance power generation of microbial fuel cells, ChemSusChem, 2012, 5:1065-1070

  96. Yuexiao Shen, Kang Xiao, Peng Liang, Jianyu Sun, Shijie Sai, Xia Huang: Characterization of soluble microbial products in 10 large-scale membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment in China, J. of Mem. Sci., 2012, 415-416:336-345

  97. Alexandre Morel, Kuichang Zuo, Xue Xia, Jincheng Wei, Xi Luo, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Microbial desalination cells packed with ion-exchange resin to enhance water desalination rate, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 118:43-48

  98. Xi Chen, Peng Liang, Zhimou Wei, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Xia Huang: Sustainable water desalination and electricity generation in a separator coupled stacked microbial desalination cell with buffer free electrolyte circulation, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 119:88-93

  99. Yinghui Mo, Alberto Tiraferri, Ngai Yin Yip, Atar Adout, Xia Huang, Menachem Elimelech: Improved antifouling properties of polyamide nanofiltration membranes by reducing the density of surface carboxyl groups, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46:13253-13261

  100. Chun Liu, Hiroshi Tanaka, Jin Ma, Lei Zhang, Jing Zhang, Xia Huang, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa: Effect of microbubble and its generation process on mixed liquor properties of activated sludge using Shirasu porous glass (SPG) membrane system, Water Research, 2012, 46:6051-6058

  101. Shan Xie, Peng Liang, Yang Chen, Xue Xia, Xia Huang: Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal using an oxic/anoxic-biocathode microbial fuel cells coupled system, Bioresource Technology, 2011,102:348-354

  102. Chun-Hai Wei, Xia Huang, Roger Ben Aim, Kazuo Yamamoto, Gary Amy: Membrane fouling control by chemical cleaning-in-place in a pilot-scale submerged membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Water research, 2011, 45:863-871

  103. Peng Liang, Huiyong Wang, Xue Xia, Xia Huang, Yinghui Mo, Xiaoxin Cao, Mingzhi Fan: Carbon nanotube powder as electrode modifier to enhance the activity of anodic biofilm in microbial fuel cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 26:3000-3004

  104. Xi Chen, Xue Xia, Peng Liang, Xiaoxin Cao, Haotian Sun, Xia Huang: Stacked microbial desalination cells to enhance water desalination efficiency, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45:2465-2470

  105. Xiao Kang, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, T. David Waite, Xianghua Wen: Combined effect of membrane and foulant hydrophobicity and surface charge on adsorptive fouling during microfiltration, J. of Mem. Sci., 2011, 373:140-151

  106. Peng Liang, Wenlong Wu, Jincheng Wei, Lulu Yuan, Xue Xia, Xia Huang: Alternate charging and discharging of capacitor to enhance the electron production of bioelectrochemical systems, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45:6647-6653

  107. Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xia Huang: Recent progress in electrodes for microbial fuel cells, Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102:9335-9344

  108. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Haotian Sun, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Xi Chen, Bruce E. Logan: Air-cathode structure optimization in separator-coupled microbial fuel cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 30:267-271

  109. Yuexiao Shen, Wentao Zhao, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: A systematic insight into fouling propensity of soluble microbial products in membrane bioreactors based on hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion, J. of Mem. Sci., 2010, 346:187-193

  110. Wentao Zhao, Yuxiao Shen, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang: Fouling characteristics in a membrane bioreactor coupled with anaerobic-anoxic-oxic process for coke wastewater treatment, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101:3876-3883

  111. Jincheng Wei, Peng Liang, Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang: A new insight into potential regulation on growth and power generation of Geobacter sulfurreducens in microbial fuel cells based on energy viewpoint, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44:3187-3191

  112. Jinling Wu, Haitao Li, Xia Huang: Indigenous somatic coliphage removal from a real municipal wastewater by a submerged membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 2010, 44: 1853-1862

  113. Jinling Wu, Xia Huang: Use of ozonation to mitigate fouling in a long-term membrane bioreactor, Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101:6019-6027

  114. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Xia Huang, Bruce E. Logan: The use of nylon and glass fiber filter separators with different pore sizes in air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cells, Energy & Environmental Science, 2010, 3:659-664

  115. Xue Xia, Xiaoxin Cao, Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Suping Yang, Gengui Zhao: Electricity generation from glucose by a Klebsiella sp. in microbial fuel cells, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2010, 87:383-390

  116. Wenchao Xue, Chunying Wu, Kang Xiao, Xia Huang, Haidong Zhou, Hiroshi Tsuno, Hiroaki Tanaka. Elimination and fate of selected micro-organic pollutants in a full-scale anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic process combined with membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater reclamation, Water research, 2010, 44:5999-6010

  117. Wen-tao Zhao, Xia Huang, Duu-jong Lee, Xiao-hui Wang, Yue-xiao Shen: Use of submerged anaerobic-anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor to treat highly toxic coke wastewater with complete sludge retention, J. of Mem. Sci., 2009, 330:57-64

  118. Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Peng Liang, Nico Boon, Mingzhi Fan, Lin Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang: A completely anoxic microbial fuel cell using a photo-biocathode for cathodic carbon dioxide reduction, Energy & Environmental Science, 2009, 2:498-501

  119. Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Peng Liang, Kang Xiao, Yingjun Zhou, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Bruce Logan: A new method for water desalination using microbial desalination cells. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43:7148-7152 (Best Paper Award: Top Paper in Environmental Technology)

  120. Kang Xiao, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang, T. David Waite, Xianghua Wen: Analysis of polysaccharide, protein and humic acid retention by microfiltration membranes using Thomas’ dynamic adsorption model, J. of Mem. Sci., 2009, 342:22-34

  121. Jinling Wu, Xia Huang: Effect of mixed liquor properties on fouling propensity in membrane bioreactors, J. of Mem. Sci., 2009, 342:88-96

  122. Xiaoyuan Zhang, Shaoan Cheng, Xin Wang, Xia Huang, Bruce Logan: Separator characteristics for increasing performance of microbial fuel cells, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009, 43:8456-8461

  123. Xia Huang, Chun-hai Wei, Kai-chang Yu: Mechanism of membrane fouling control by suspended carriers in a submerged membrane bioreactor, J. of Mem. Sci., 2008, 309:7-16

  124. Chun Liu, Xia Huang, Hui Wang: Start-up of a membrane bioreactor bioaugmented with genetically engineered microorganism for enhanced treatment of atrazine containing wastewater, Desalination, 2008, 231:12-19

  125. Xia Huang and Jinling Wu: Improvement of membrane filterability of the mixed liquor in a membrane bioreactor by ozonation, J. of Mem. Sci., 2008, 318:210-216

  126. Xiaoxin Cao, Xia Huang, Nico Boon, Peng Liang, Mingzhi Fan: Electricity generation by an enriched phototrophic consortium in a microbial fuel cell, Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10:1392-1395

  127. Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Ming-Zhi Fan, Xiao-Xin Cao, Cheng Wang: Composition and distribution of internal resistance in three types of microbial fuel cells, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol., 2007, 77:551-558

  128. Xia Huang and Xiao-mao Wang: Toxicity change patterns and its mechanism during the degradation of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds by O3/UV, Chemosphere,2007, 69:747-754

  129. Peng Liang, Xia Huang, Yi Qian, Yuansong Wei, Guoji Ding: Determination and comparison of sludge reduction rates caused by microfaunas’ predation, Bioresource Technology, 2006, 97:854-861

  130. Jinling Wu, Futai Chen, Xia Huang, Wenyan Geng, Xianghua Wen: Using inorganic coagulants to control membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Desalination, 206, 197:124-136

  131. Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Lvjun Chen, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian: Operational performance of a submerged membrane bioreactor for reclamation of bath wastewater, Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40:125-130

  132. Yingxi Wu, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen, Futai Chen: Function of dynamic membrane in self-forming dynamic membrane coupled bioreactor, Water Science and Technology, 2005, 51:107-114

  133. Yaobin Meng, Xia Huang, Qunhao Yang, Yi Qian, Nobuhiko Kubota, Sakae Fukunaga: Treatment of polluted river water with a photocatalytic slurry reactor using low-pressure mercury lamps coupled with a membrane, Desalination, 2005, 181:121-133

  134. Jian Zhang, Xia Huang, Chaoxiang Liu, Hanchang Shi, Hongying Hu: Nitrogen removal enhanced by intermittent operation in a subsurface wastewater infiltration system, Ecological Engineering, 2005, 25:419-428

  135. Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Jinying Xi, Yi Qian: Microbial behaviour in a membrane bioreactor with complete sludge retention, Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40:3165-3170

  136. Ping Gui, Xia Huang, Ying Chen,Yi Qian: Effect of operational parameters on sludge accumulation on membrane surfaces in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Desalination, 2003, 151:185-194

  137. Li Mo and Xia Huang: Fouling characteristics and cleaning strategies in a coagulation-microfiltration combination process for water purification, Desalination, 2003, 159:1-9

  138. Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Youfeng Sun, Yi Qian: Hydrodynamic effect on sludge accumulation over membrane surfaces in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 2003, 39:157-163

  139. Kaichang Yu, Xianghua Wen, Qingjie Bu, Xia Huang: Critical flux enhencements with air sparing in axial hollow fibers cross-flow microfiltration of biologically treated wastewater, J. Membrane Science, 2003, 224:69-79

  140. Bin Fan and Xia Huang: Characteristics of a self-forming dynamic membrane coupled with a bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2002, 36:5245-5251

  141. Xia Huang, Ping Gui, Yi Qian: Effect of sludge retention time on the microbial behaviour in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 2001, 36:1001-1006

  142. Rui Liu, Xia Huang, Chengwen Wang, Lvjun Chen, Yi Qian: Study on hydraulic characteristics in a submerged membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 2000, 36:249-254

  143. Xia Huang, Rui Liu,Yi Qian: Behavior of soluble microbial products in a membrane bioreactor, Process Biochemistry, 2000, 36:401-406