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首页 > 团队队伍 > 教师 > 水环境保护教研所 > 正文







1978.2-1982.1 重庆建筑工程学院给排水工程专业 工学学士

1982.3-1984.6 12BET水力学及河流海岸动力学专业 工学硕士

1985.1-1988.9 12BET水力学及河流海岸动力学专业学位 工学博士


1984.6-1984.12  12BET水利系 助教

1988.10-1990.9  美国康奈尔大学 博士后

1990.10-1995.2  美国康奈尔大学 助理研究员

1995.3-2000.7  英国曼切斯特大学 英国讲师 (tenure track, 博导)

2000.8-2005.8  英国曼切斯特大学 高级讲师 (终身)

2005.9 -  英国利物浦大学 讲席教授(chair professor 终身)

2011 -  12BET深圳研究生院,12BET, 教授和学科带头人


Associate Editor for Journal of Hydro-Environment Research










海洋卫星遥感和信息: 在卫星遥感的中红外波段信号成功地检测植物水,所提出的新植物指数NDWI在国际上得到广泛认可。单篇文章SCI引用近600次。回国后正在开展海洋遥感方面的工作, 包括卫星高度计,SAR等方面。在信息科学方面,与美国大气与海洋管理局合作开发了现代化的环境和水文信息系统用于河流和近海环境污染预测和防洪,并且作为欧洲环境和水文开放式系统的一部分继续开发。回国后主持环保部公益科研项目关于污水排海优化的数据库和信息系统开发。





2013年深圳市国家级领军人才, 深圳市A类孔雀人才


  1. Chen, D. and G. H. Jirka (1994), Axisymmetric instability of the annular Hagen Poiseuille flow with small inner radius by Chebyshev pseudospectral method. International J. of Computational Fluid Dynamics, V3, 265-280.

  2. Chen, D. and G. H. Jirka (1995), Experimental study of plane turbulent wakes in a shallow water. Fluid Dynamics Research, V16, 11-41. (SCI citations over 190)

  3. Chen, D. and W. Brutsaert (1995), Diagnostics of landsurface spatial variability and water vapor flux. J. of Geophysical Research, V100(D12), 25595-25606.

  4. Nash, J., G. H. Jirka and D. Chen (1995), Large scale planar laser induced fluorescence in turbulent density stratified flows. Experiments of Fluids, V19, 297-304.

  5. Brutsaert, W. and D. Chen (1995), Desorption and the two drying stages of tall grass prairie. Water Resources Research, V31, No.5, 1305-1313. (SCI citations near 100)

  6. Brutsaert, W. and D. Chen (1996), Diurnal variation of surface fluxes during thorough drying (or severe drought) of natural prairie. Water Resources Research, V32, No.7, 2013-2020.

  7. Chen, D., T. Engman and W. Brutsaert (1997), Spatial distribution and pattern persistence of surface soil moisture and temperature over prairie from remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, V61(3), 347-360.

  8. Chen, D. and G. H. Jirka (1997), Absolute and convective instabilities of plane turbulent wakes in shallow-water layer. J. of Fluid Mechanics, V338, 157-172. (SCI citations near 100)

  9. Chen, D. and G. H. Jirka (1998), Linear stability analysis of turbulent mixing layers and jets in shallow water layers. IAHR J. of Hydraulic Research, V.36, 815-830.

  10. Chen, D. and W. Brutsaert (1998), Satellite-sensed distribution and spatial patterns of vegetation parameters over tall grass prairie. J. of the Atmospheric Sciences, V55(7), 1225-1238.

  11. Chen, D. and G. H. Jirka (1999), LIF study of plane jet bounded in shallow water layer. ASCE J. of Hydraulic Eng., V125(8), 817-826.

  12. Spanou, M. and D. Chen (2000), An Object-Oriented tool for the control of point-source pollution in river systems. Environmental Modelling and Software, V15(1),35-54.

  13. Letherman, S. B., M. A. Cotton, P. K. Stansby, C. Chen and D. Chen, (2000), An assessment of k-e and k-i turbulence models for oscillatory rough bed flows, IAHR Journal of Hydroinformatics, V4(2), 221-234.

  14. Lloyd, P. M., P. K. Stansby and D. Chen (2001), Wake formation around islands in oscillatory laminar shallow-water flows. J. of Fluid Mechanics. V429, 217-238.

  15. Spanou, M. and D. Chen (2001), Water quality modelling of the upper Mersey River system using an Object-Oriented software. IAHR Journal of Hydroinformatics, V3, 173-194.

  16. Spanou, M. and D. Chen (2002), Integrated management of Upper Mersey River basin using the SMILE Object-Oriented software system, IWA Water Science and Technology, V46(6-7), 105-112.

  17. Jackson, T.J., D. Chen, M.H. Cosh, F. Li, C. Walthall, M. Anderson,  C. Walthall, P. Doriaswamy and E.R. Hunt (2004), Vegetation water content mapping using Landsat data derived normalized difference water index for corn and soybeans, Remote Sensing of Environment, V92, 475-482 ( SCI citations over 580).

  18. Chen, D., F.E. Tang and C.Q. Chen (2005), Pollutant Trapping at a Coastal Headland, ASCE J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. V131(3), 98-114

  19. Chen, D. and J.F. Huang and T. Jackson (2005), Vegetation Water Content Estimation Using MODIS Near- and Short-Wave Infrared Bands and Derived Indices, Remote Sensing of environment, V98, 225-236. (SCI citations over 370).

  20. Shams, S. P. Bhattacharya, S. Langaas, G. Jacks, K.M. Ahmed,G. Anders, D. Chen and A. Granlund (2006), Mapping and Interpretation of field data for Evaluation and Mitigation of Groundwater Contamination: The Case of Arsenic in Bangladesh. J. of Hydroinformatics, V7, 25-36.

  21. Ahmed, A.A. and D. Chen (2006), Effects of contamination age on phenanthrene desorption from aquifers, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering, V41, 1-15.

  22. Leone A, Shams S and Chen D (2006), An Object-Oriented and OpenGIS Supported Hydro Information System (30-HIS) for Upper Mersey River Basin Management. Journal of River Basin Management, V4(2), 1-9.

  23. Ahmed, A.A. and D. Chen (2006), Field Scale DNAPLs transport under nonequilibrium sorption conditions, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering, V41(3), 273-290.

  24. Daoyi Chen, CQ Chen, Fu-Ee Tang, PK Stansby, Ming Li, (2007), Boundary Layer Structure of Oscillatory Open-Channel Shallow Flows over Smooth and Rough Beds, Experiments in Fluids, V42 (5), 719-736.

  25. Yonghong Yi, Dawen Yang, Daoyi Chen and Jingfeng Huang (2007), Retrieving crop physiological parameters and assessing water deficiency using MODIS data during winter wheat growing period. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, V.33(3), 189-202

  26. Andrea Leone and Daoyi Chen, (2007), Implementation of an Object Oriented data model in an Information System for water catchment management: JAVA JDO and db4o Object Database. Environmental Modelling & Software, V22, 1805-1810

  27. Ming Li, B.A O’Connor, S Pan and D Chen, (2007), Development of a quasi-3d numerical model for sediment transport in the coastal region, J of Hydro-Environment Research, V1 (2) 143-156.

  28. YH Yi, DW Yang, D Chen, JF Huang (2008), Evaluation of MODIS surface reflectance products for wheat LAI retrieval . ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, V63 (6), 661-677

  29. Burrows R, Walkington IA, Yates NC, Hedges TS, Li M, Zhou JG, Chen DY, Wolf J, Holt J and Proctor R (2009), Tidal energy potential in UK waters'. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering, V162(MA4), 155-164

  30. JF Huang, D Chen and M Cosh (2009), Sub-Pixel Reflectance Unmixing in Estimating Vegetation Water Content and Dry Biomass of Corn and Soybeans Cropland using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) from Satellites. International Journal of Remote Sensing V30 (8), 2075-2104

  31. Ashraf A Ahmed and Daoyi Chen (2010), Desorption Kinetics of TCE and PCE in Aged DNAPL Contaminated Soil. Water and Environment Journal, V24, 159-164

  32. Shahriar Shams, Eblal Zakzok, Daoyi Chen, Jingfeng Huang (2010), Estimation and monitoring non-point source pollutant loads: an object-oriented hydro information approach, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, V6 (3/4), 220-236.

  33. Ahmed AT, Khalid HA, (Ahmed AA) and Chen D (2010), Experimental and numerical characterisation of the leaching of incinerator bottom ash waste. Waste Management, V30 (8/9), 1536-1543

  34. D Chen, S Shams, C Carmona-Moreno and A Leone (2010), Assessment of Open Source GIS Software for Water Resources Management in Developing Countries. J of Hydro-Environment Research, V4 (3), 253-264

  35. Ahmed, Ashraf A.; Chen, Daoyi (2010), Desorption kinetics of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene from aged dense nonaqueous phase liquid-contaminated soil, Water and Environment Journal, V30, 1536.

  36. SX Shi and D Chen (2011), The Development of An Automated PIV Image Processing Software - SmartPIV, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, V22, 181–189

  37. SX Shi and D Chen (2011), Enhancing particle image tracking performance with a sequential Monte Carlo method the bootstrap filter, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation V22, 190-200.

  38. J. A. Griffiths, D. Chen, R. Turchetta, G. J. Royle (2011), Characterization study of an intensified complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor active pixel sensor, Review of Scientific Instrument, V82, 033709 (2011)

  39. GQ Wang, D Chen and XK Wang, M Asim and JQ Xia (2011), Effects of Shallowness on Sediment Depositions in Shallow Recirculation Zones,  ASCE J of Hydraulic Engineering V137  (9) 976-985

  40. Xin Chen, Yong Li, Xiaojing Niu, Daoyi Chen , Xiping Yu (2011), A two-phase approach to wave-induced sediment transport under sheet flow conditions, Coastal Engineering, V.58, 1072-1088

  41. Xin Chen , Yong Li , Xiaojing Niu , Ming Li , Daoyi Chen , Xiping Yu, (2011), A general two-phase turbulent flow model applied to the study of sediment transport in open channels, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, V37(9), 1099-1108

  42. Ashraf A Ahmed and Daoyi Chen (2012), Modelling of naphthalene sorption in shallow beach aquifers, Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management, V.165(7), 355 –364.

  43. F.E Tang and D Chen, (2012), Tidal Flow Patterns Near A Coastal Headland, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology V.63, 782-790

  44. Wu, GZ, L. He and D. Chen (2013), Sorption and distribution of asphaltene, resin, aromatic and saturate fractions of heavy crude oil on quartz surface: molecular dynamic simulation, Chemosphere, V92, 1465-1471.

  45. Wu G, Zhu X, Ji H, Chen D (2015), Molecular modeling the interactions between heavy crude oil and the soil organic matter coated quartz surface, Chemosphere, V119, 242-249

  46. Huang, L ; Fang, HW ; Fazeli, M ; Chen, YS ; He, GJ; Chen, DY (2015),Mobility of phosphorus induced by sediment resuspension in the Three Gorges Reservoir by flume experiment,Chemosphere,V 134 ,374-379.

  47. Zhu X, Wu G, Chen D (2015), Molecular dynamic simulation of asphaltene co-aggregation with humic acid during oil spill,Chemosphere, V138, 412-421.

  48. Huang, L ; Fang, HW ; Fazeli, M ; Chen, YS ; He, GJ; Chen, DY (2015),Mobility of phosphorus induced by sediment resuspension in the Three Gorges Reservoir by flume experiment,Chemosphere,V 134 ,374-379.

  49. Sui, H., Li, L., Zhu, X., Chen, D., Wu, G., (2016), Modelling the adsorption of PAH mixture in silica nanopores by molecular dynamic simulation combined with machine learning. Chemosphere V144, 1950-1959.

  50. Liu, YC; Li, SW; Yi, Q; Chen, D, (2016), Developments in semi-submersible foundations supporting wind turbines: A comprehensive review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, V60, 433-449

  51. Zi, Mucong; Chen, Daoyi; Ji, Haoqing; Wu, Guozhong,(2016),Effects of asphaltenes on the formation and decomposition of methane hydrate:a molecular dynamics study, Energy & Fuels,  V30 (7), 5643–5650

  52. Zhu X, Chen D, Wu G, (2016), Insights into asphaltene aggregation in the Na-montmorillonite interlayer, Chemosphere, V 160 (10), 62–70

  53. Zhu X, Wu G, Chen D, (2016), Molecular dynamics simulation of cyclodextrin aggregation and extraction of Anthracene from non-aqueous liquid phase, Journal of Hazardous Materials, V 320 (12), 169–175.

  54. Okuroghoboye, D.I, Chen, D.  and Guo Y. (2016), Pollutant Advective Spreading in Beach Sand Exposed to High-Energy Tides, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, V181, 70–82.

  55. Ji, Haoqing; Wu, Guozhong; Zi, Mucong; Chen, Daoyi (2016), Microsecond molecular dynamics simulation of methane hydrate formation in the humic acid amended Na-montmorillonite, Energy & Fuels, V30 (9), 7206–7213

  56. Zhang, Zhiyong; Shi, Bing; Guo, Yakun; Chen, Daoyi (2016), Improving the prediction of scour around submarine pipelines, Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering, V169, 163-173

  57. Shengmu Yang, Jiuxing Xing, Daoyi Chen, Shengli Chen (2017),A modelling study of eddy-splitting by an Island/Seamount in the South China Sea. Ocean Science, V13, 837-849.

  58. Haoqing Ji, Daoyi Chen, and Guozhong Wu (2017),Molecular Mechanisms for Cyclodextrin-Promoted Methane Hydrate Formation in Water, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2017, V121 (38), 20967–20975

  59. Chen, Shengli; Chen, Daoyi; Xing, Jiuxing (2017), A study on some basic features of inertial oscillations and near-inertial internal waves, Ocean Science, V13, 829-836

  60. Lei, Song; Zheng, Xiang Yuan; Chen, Daoyi; Li, Yi (2017), Instability Analysis of Parametrically Excited Marine Risers by Extended Precise Integration Method, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, V.17, 1750096

  61. Yichao Liu, Daoyi Chen, Qian Yi and Sunwei Li (2017), Wind Profiles and Wave Spectra for Potential Wind Farms in South China Sea. Part I: Wind Profile Model, Energies, V10, 125

  62. Yichao Liu, Sunwei Li, Qian Yi  and Daoyi Chen (2017),Wind Profiles and Wave Spectra for Potential Wind Farms in South China Sea. Part II: Wave Spectrum Model, Energies V10, 127

  63. Ji, Haoqing; Chen, Daoyi; Zhao, Chen; Wu, Guozhong (2018),Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Clay Pores With Fatty Acids.  The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.  V122 (2), 1318–1325

  64. Manlu Li, Daoyi Chen, Yang Liu, Chia Ying Chuang, Fanzhou Kong, Paul J. Harrison, Xiaoshan Zhu, Yuelu Jiang, (2017),Exposure of engineered nanoparticles to Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae): Healthy impacts of nanoparticles via, toxin-producing dinoflagellate, Science of Total Environment, V610-611, 356-366.

  65. Y. Liu, S. Li, P.W. Chan, D. Chen(2018),Empirical correction ratio and scale factor to project the extreme wind speed profile for offshore wind energy exploitation,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, V9(3), 1030 – 1040

  66. Liu, Y. C.; Chen, D. Y.; Li, S. W.; Chan, P. W. (2018), Revised power-law model to estimate the vertical variations of extreme wind speeds in China coastal regions, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, V173, 227-240

  67. Zhu X, Chen D, Zhang Y, Wu G, (2018). Insights Into the oil adsorption and cyclodextrin extraction process on rough silica surface by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, V122: 2997-3005.

  68. Zhu X, Wu G, Coulon F, Wu L, Chen D, (2018), Correlating asphaltene dimerization with its molecular structure by potential of mean force calculation and data mining. Energy & Fuels, V32, 5779-5788

  69. Zhu, Xinzhe; Wu, Guozhong; Coulon, Frederic; Wu, Lvwen; Chen, Daoyi (2018), Correlating Asphaltene Dimerization with Its Molecular Structure by Potential of Mean Force Calculation and Data Mining, Energy & Fuels, V32, 5779-5788

  70. Wu, Guozhong; Ji, Haoqing; Tian, Linqing; Chen, Daoyi (2018), Effects of Salt Ions on the Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in the Clay Pore Water and Bulk Water, Energy & Fuels, V32, 12486-12494

  71. Q. Han, DY. Chen, YK Guo (2018), Saltwater-freshwater mixing fluctuation in shallow beach aquifers,  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, V207, 93-103

  72. Yang Qiao, Daoyi Chen, Diya Wen(2018), Use of coupled wavelength ultraviolet light-emitting diodes for inactivation of bacteria in subsea oil-field injection water, Science of Total Environment, V640-641, 757-763

  73. Liu, Yichao; Chen, Daoyi; Li, Sunwei, (2018), The artificial generation of the equilibrium marine atmospheric boundary layer for the CFD simulation of offshore wind turbines, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, V183, 44-54

  74. Liu Y, Li S, Chan PW, Chen D. (2018), On the failure probability of offshore wind turbines in the China coastal waters due to typhoons: A case study using the OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy V10(2), 522-532

  75. Hu P, Chen D. and Wu GW (2018), Effects of carbon steel corrosion on the methane hydrate formation and dissociation, Fuel, V230, 126-133

  76. Zi M, Chen D, Wu G. (2018), Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Methane Hydrate Formation on Metal Surface with Oil. Chemical Engineering Science,  V191, 253–261.

  77. Zi M, Wu G, Li L, Chen D. (2018), Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Methane Hydrate Formation in Model Water-in-Oil Emulsion Containing Asphaltenes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, V122 (41) 23299-23306

  78. Liu, Yichao; Chen, Daoyi; Li, Sunwei (2018), Discerning the spatial variations in offshore wind resources along the coast of China via dynamic downscaling, Energy V160, 582-596

  79. Meng Q, Chen D, Wu G (2018), Microscopic mechanisms for the dynamic wetting of a heavy oil mixture on a rough silica surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, V122,24977–24986

  80. Shengmu Yang, Jiuxing Xing,Jinyu Sheng,Shengli Chen,Daoyi Chen,(2019), A process study of interactions between a warm eddy and the Kuroshio Current in Luzon Strait: The fate of eddies, Journal of Marine Systems, V194, 66-80.

  81. Ke, Wei; Svartaas, Thor M.; Chen, Daoyi, (2019), A review of gas hydrate nucleation theories and growth models, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, V61, 169-196

  82. Li, Manlu; Jiang, Yuelu; Chuang, Chia-Ying; Zhou, Jin; Zhu, Xiaoshan; Chen, Daoyi, (2019), Recovery of Alexandrium tamarense under chronic exposure of TiO2 nanoparticles and possible mechanisms, Aquatic Toxicology, V208, 98-108

  83. Feng, Y, Li, S, Chen, D, Xiao, Q. (2019), Predictions for combined In-Line and Cross-Flow VIV responses with a novel model for estimation of tension. Ocean Engineering, V191, 106531

  84. Chen, Shengli; Chen, Daoyi; Xing, Jiuxing; Hu, Jianyu; Sun, Zhenyu, (2019), Features of internal tides observed near the shelf break in the northern South China Sea, Ocean Dynamics, V69, 353-365

  85. Ke, Wei; Chen, Daoyi (2019), A short review on natural gas hydrate, kinetic hydrate inhibitors and inhibitor synergists, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, V27, 2047-2061

  86. Q Meng, L Sun, D Chen, G Wu (2019), Adsorption of asphaltenes at oil-water and oil-clay interfaces in presence of humic acids. Langmuir, V35(51) 16718–16725

  87. X Liu, L Tian, D Chen, G Wu  (2019), Accelerated formation of methane hydrates in the porous SiC foam ceramic packed reactor. Fuel , V257: 115858,2019

  88. M Zi, D Chen, J Wang, P Hu, G Wu ( 2019), Kinetic and rheological study of methane hydrate formation in water-in-oil emulsion: effects of emulsion composition and silica sands. Fuel , V255: 115708

  89. G Wu, L Tian, D Chen, M Niu, H Ji,(2019), CO2 and CH4 hydrates: replacement or cogrowth? Journal of Physical Chemistry C V123: 13401-13409

  90. Hu, P, G Wu, M Zi, L Li, D Chen(2019), Effect of modified metal surface on the formation of methane hydrate. Fuel V255: 115720

  91. X Zeng, G Wu, J Zhong, D Chen, C Sun, G Chen(2019), Three-scale in situ investigation on the film morphology and mass transfer channels during the thickening growth of hydrates on gas bubble. Crystal Growth & Design 19: 3158-3165

  92. Liu, Y, Li, S, Chan, P W, Chen, D (2019), On the failure probability of offshore wind turbines in the China coastal waters due to typhoons: A case study using the OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, 10,522-532

  93. X Zeng, G Wu, J Wang, C Yang, Q Meng, G Chen, D Chen(2020), Effects of inhibitors on the morphology and kinetics of hydrate growth on surface of gas bubble. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, V74, 103096.

  94. Yang C, Ke W, Zhao C, Chen D.(2020), Experimental Evaluation of Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors and Mixed Formulations with Monoethylene Glycol for Hydrate Prevention in Pure Water and Brine–Oil Systems. Energy & Fuels, V34(10):12274-90

  95. Luo, Yang; Xiao, Qing; Shi, Guangyu; Wen, Li; Chen, Daoyi; Pan, Guang, (2020), A fluid-structure interaction solver for the study on a passively deformed fish fin with non-uniformly distributed stiffness, Journal of Fluids and Structures, V92, 102778

  96. Hu, Peng; Wu, Guozhong; Zi, Mucong; Li, Lei; Chen, Daoyi (2020), Effects of modified metal surface on the formation of methane hydrate, Fuel, V.263, 116452

  97. Ke, Wei; Chen, Guang-Jin; Chen, Daoyi (2020), Methane-propane hydrate formation and memory effect study with a reaction kinetics model, Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, V45, 1-17

  98. Shengmu Yang, Jiuxing Xing, Jinyu Sheng, Shengli Chen, Jiwei Tian & Daoyi Chen(2020), The impact of the planetary β-effect on the vertical structure of a coherent vortex in the South China Sea,Ocean Dynamics, V70, 879–896

  99. M. Niu, G. Wu, Z. Yin, Y. Sun, K. Liu, D. Chen(2021), Effectiveness of CO2-N2 injection for synergistic CH4 recovery and CO2 sequestration at marine gas hydrates condition,Chemical Engineering Journal  V420, 129615

  100. Zi, MC,Wu, GZ, Wang, J,Chen, DY (2021), Investigation of gas hydrate formation and inhibition in oil-water system containing model asphaltene,Chemical Engineering Journal,V412, 128452

  101. Diya Wen, Daoyi Chen, Yuelu Jiang (2021), Synergistic algicidal effects of combined UV-LED/chlorine treatments on Tetraselmis sp.: Optimization and mode-of-action,Chemical Engineering Journal,V422, 130043

  102. Yi-Fei Sun, Jin-Rong Zhong, Guang-Jin Chen, Bo-Jian Cao, Rui Li, Dao-Yi Chen (2021), A new approach to efficient and safe gas production from unsealed marine hydrate deposits,Applied Energy,V282 (2021) 116259

  103. Yang Luo, Qing Xiao , Guangyu Shi , Guang Pan and Daoyi Chen (2021), The effect of variable stiffness of tuna-like fish body and fin on swimming performance,Bioinspir. Biomim. V16, 016003

  104. Peng Hu, Wei Ke, Daoyi Chen (2021), Molecular mechanism for methane hydrate nucleation on corroded iron surface, Chemical Engineering Science  117303

  105. Sun, Yi-Fei; Cao, Bo-Jian; Zhong, Jin-Rong; Kan, Jing-Yu; Li, Rui; Niu, Jing-Shuo; Chen, Hong-Nan; Chen, Guang-Jin; Wu, Guo-Zhong; Sun, Chang-Yu; Chen, Dao-Yi (2022), Gas production from unsealed hydrate-bearing sediments after reservoir reformation in a large-scale simulator,Fuel, 121957  

  106. Yuanxin Yao, Daoyi Chen, Zhengyuan Yin (2022), On the importance of DIOX concentration in promoting CH4 hydrate formation: A thermodynamic and kinetic investigation, Fuel, Volume 324, Part B, 124355

  107. Jidong Zhang, Xiaohui Liu, Daoyi Chen, Zhenyuan Yin (2022), An investigation on the permeability of hydrate-bearing sediments based on pore-scale CFD simulation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, V192, 15, 122901

  108. Caifeng Yang,Mucong Zi,Guozhong Wu,Xue Zou,Kai Liu,Daoyi Chen,(2022),Concentration effect of kinetic hydrate inhibitor on hydrate formation and inhibition, Fuel, V323, 124448

  109. Sun, Lequn; Lin, Weichen; Wu, Xiaotian; Cabrera, Johny; Chen, Daoyi; Huang, Xia (2022), Deciphering the spatial fouling characteristics of reverse osmosis membranes for coal chemical wastewater treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, V286, 120456

  110. Feng, Y. L.; Chen, D. Y.; Li, S. W.; Xiao, Q.; Li, W. (2022), Vortex-induced vibrations of flexible cylinders predicted by wake oscillator model with random components of mean drag coefficient and lift coefficient, Ocean Engineering, V251, 110960

  111. Xue Zou; Mucong Zi; Caifeng Yang; Kai Liu; Chen Zhao; Daoyi Chen (2022), High-throughput sapphire reaction system: a new experimental apparatus to evaluate hydrate kinetic inhibitors with high efficiency,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (accepted)

  112. Diya Wen, Yuelu Jiang, Daoyi Chen(2022),Evaluating disinfection performance of ultraviolet light-emitting diodes against the microalga Tetraselmis sp.: Assay methods, inactivation efficiencies, and action spectrum,Chemosphere 308 (2022) 136113

  113. Liu, Xuejian; Ren, Junjie; Chen, Daoyi; Yin, Zhenyuan (2022),Comparison of SDS and (L)-Methionine in promoting CO2 hydrate kinetics: Implication for hydrate-based CO2 storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, V438, 135504

  114. Ren, Junjie; Yin, Zhenyuan; Li, Qingping; Wu, Fei; Chen, Dao-Yi; Li, Shuxia (2022),Pore-scale investigation of CH4 hydrate kinetics in clayey-silty sediments by Low-Field NMR, Energy & Fuels  V36, (24), 14874–14887

  115. Hu, Peng; Ke, Wei; Chen, Dao-Yi , (2022), Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Methane Hydrate Formation on Pipeline Surface with the Presence of Corrosion Inhibitor, Energy & Fuels V37 (1), 301-309

  116. Bo-Jian Cao, Yi-Fei Sun, Hong-Nan Chen, Jin-Rong Zhong, Ming-Long Wang, Meng-Ya Niu, Jing-Yu Kan, Chang-Yu Sun, Dao-Yi Chen, Guang-Jin Chen (2023), An approach to the high efficient exploitation of nature gas hydrate and carbon sequestration via injecting CO2/H2 gas mixture with varying composition, Chemical Engineering Journal, V455, 140634

  117. Xue Zou, Mucong Zi, Tiantian Wu, Yuanxin Yao, Caifeng Yang, Daoyi Chen (2023),Synthesis and Evaluation Investigation of Novel Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors at High Subcooling Conditions,Fuel,V341, 127014

  118. Lequn Sun, Danyang Li, Weichen Lin, Kang Xiao, Daoyi Chen, Shuai Luo, Xia Huang (2023)Significant insights of Cu and Fe as key metals to cause RO membrane fouling under coal-mining wastewater treatment. Desalination, V555, 116517

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