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1997.9-2002.1    12BET环境科学与工程系,获硕士和博士学位

1992.9-1997.7    12BET环境科学与工程系,获学士学位


2019.12至今               12BET,研究员

2009                           法国科学研究中心,外国研究员

2005.12-2019.12        12BET,副研究员

2003.10-2004.10        法国科学研究中心洛林理工大学化工实验室,博士后

2001.12-2005.12        12BET环境科学与工程系,助理研究员


2022-2027                 中国环境科学学会理事

2020-2022                 Environmental Quality Management编委

2017-2021                 全国工业过程测量控制和自动化标准化技术委员会分析仪器分委员会委员

2017-2020                 中国沼气学会副秘书长

2013至今                    IWA中国厌氧消化专业委员会理事

2012-2017                 中国环境科学学会高级会员

2010-2012                 Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology编委






1. 2020年,中国经济十大创新人物,中国经济人物网、《经济》杂志社、《环球时报》社、中国亚洲经济发展协会主办

2. 2020年,中国经济十大杰出女性,中国经济人物网、《经济》杂志社、《环球时报》社、中国亚洲经济发展协会主办

3. 2019年,2018年度“中国水业人物”之“教学与科研贡献奖”,《给水排水》杂志主办

4. 2018年,《科技日报》报道的“国内十大技术突破”

5. 2018年,入选科学中国人(2017)年度人物,《科学中国人》杂志社主办

6. 2017年,第45届日内瓦国际发明展,评审团特别嘉许金奖(排名第一),世界知识产权组织及瑞士联邦政府、日内瓦州政府、日内瓦市政府主办

7. 2017年,中国产学研合作创新奖(个人奖),中国产学研合作促进会

8. 2016年,城市循环经济发展共性技术开发与应用,国家科技进步二等奖(排名第六)

9. 2016年,第九届国际发明展览会银奖(第一发明人),昆山,中国发明协会、发明者协会国际联合会(IFIA)主办

10. 2016年,北京发明创新大赛银奖(第一发明人),北京科技委员会主办

11. 2014年,16届中国国际工业博览会高校展区优秀展品奖二等奖(第一发明人),上海,国家发展和改革委员会、商务部、工业和信息化部、科学技术部、中国科学院、中国工程院、中国国际贸易促进委员会和上海市人民政府主办

12. 2014年,新型高效厌氧悬浮床反应器关键技术、装备及应用,教育部技术发明奖二等奖(排名第四)

13. 2014年,城市循环经济发展共性技术开发与应用,教育部科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第六)

14. 2013年,城市水环境安全监管体系研究与综合示范,江苏省环境保护科学技术奖三等奖

15. 2010年,获得12BET教学成果奖特等奖


1. 典型农业面源的荧光水质指纹特征及其污染水质指纹模型的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024

2. 泸州濑溪河溯源项目,2020

3. 云南北甸河溯源项目,2019

4. 山西临猗、万荣,温州平阳,宜昌猇亭等4个工业园区溯源项目,2019

5. 山西省规划院溯源实验室建设,2019

6. 四川成都污染水纹库建设和入河排口溯源,2019

7. 常州等地入河入湖排口溯源,2019

8. 平潭三十六脚湖水质指纹预警溯源技术适用性研究,2018

9. 北京、昆山、芮城、合肥、苏州等6个工业园区溯源项目,2018

10. 城市重点排水户水质指纹特征研究,2018

11. 某跨境河流污染溯源,2018

12. 水环境污染快速识别与预警仪,国家重点研发计划重大科学仪器设备开发重点专项,2017-2021

13. 有机废弃物高固厌氧消化产甲烷途径及调控,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2020

14. 长江干流污染溯源,国家重点实验室基金,2017-2019

15. 多相厌氧生物反应器水动力学特征的介尺度研究,国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目,2016-2018

16. 污水处理厂甲烷与污染物减排关键技术甄选和分析,环境保护部环境规划院,2016

17. 某跨界河流污染溯源,2015-2016

18. 某跨界河流污染溯源,2014-2015

19. 产业集中区排水系统优化与减排控污技术研究与综合示范,国家水污染重大专项,2014-2018

20. 复杂水质下污染预警溯源新方法和理论体系的研究,教育部12BET自主科研计划,2014-2016

21. 多相厌氧生物反应器的介尺度研究,国家自然基金重大研究计划项目,2014-2016

22. 重点流域畜禽养殖污染控制区域解决方案产业化示范项目,国家水污染重大专项,2014-2016

23. 褐煤低温热解废水处理技术研究,北京朗新明环保科技有限公司,2013-2015

24. 基于荧光指纹的南方饮用水源地污染预警与溯源方法研究,国家重点实验室基金,2012-2013

25. 中国废水处理温室气体排放因子研究,环境保护部环境规划院,2012

26. 配合污水源高温热泵系统使用的印染废水处理,浙江能创新能源科技有限公司,2012

27. 高浓度有机污水工业化高效稳定产甲烷及调控关键技术,863主题项目,2011-2016

28. 强化厌氧产甲烷的污泥与水力剪切力的相互作用的多尺度研究,国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,2011-2013

29. 基于水质荧光指纹法的水体污染溯源新方法,教育部12BET自主科研计划,2010-2012

30. 强化厌氧产沼气的微观机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2010-2012

31. 城市水环境安全监管体系研究与综合示范,国家水污染重大专项,2010-2013

32. 城市污泥分级分相厌氧消化组合技术研发及工程示范,863重点项目,2009-2013

33. 污水石油类污染紫外荧光现场监测设备,863重点项目,2009-2013

34. 高新城区水环境质量保障技术与综合示范,国家水污染重大专项,2009-2012

35. 生物质制取清洁燃料的基础研究,霍英东教育基金会优选资助课题,2008-2010

36. 污泥快速颗粒化的流体力学条件与碰撞型颗粒污泥形成机理的研究,国家自然科学基金,2007-2009

37. 生物反应器中污泥流体力学性质与水力剪切力的相互作用,科技部国际交流项目(中法先进项目),2007-2008

38. 苏州城市循环经济发展共性技术开发与应用研究,十一五国家科技支持计划,2007-2010

39. 污水的荧光指纹,国家教育部科学技术研究重点项目,2007-2009

40. 青霉素废水处理技术攻关,2007-2009

41. 中国污水厂甲烷产生、排放与利用,美国Blue Moon基金会,2005-2006

42. 中国农村保护与可持续发展,美国Alcoa基金会,2005-2009

43. 升流式生物反应器中水力剪切力的定量化方法和影响机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2004-2006

44. 污水荧光指纹研究,12BET基础研究基金,2005-2007

45. 高效厌氧反应器工艺及机理研究,1998-2006

46. 圆明园东区防渗工程环境影响评价,横向,2005

47. 浙江诸暨链条厂废水处理站工程设计与调试,2005-2006

48. 医院废水处理技术转让,横向,2004-2006

49. 胜利油田粉煤灰吸附采油废水机理研究,横向,2003-2004

50. 唐山欧盟豪门啤酒厂废水处理站工程设计,1998

51. 连云港市发酵厂废水处理站工程设计与调试,1997-1999

52. 青岛酒精厂废水处理站工程设计与调试,1996-1998




2. 温宗国,李金惠,金宜英,吴静,史琳,聂永丰,张天柱,莫虹频.《城市循环经济发展:系统方法、共性技术与应用实践》,2015,中国环境出版社。



1. Yuying Hu, Shihao Zhang, Xin Wang, Xiaoming Peng, Fengping Hu, Chuqiao Wang,Jing Wu*, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z.Li*. Visualization of mass transfer in mixing processes in high solid anaerobic digestion using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) technique.Waste Management. 127, 2021, 121-129.

2. Muhammad Abid,Jing Wu, Mahdi Seyedsalehi, Yu-ying Hu, Tian Guangliang. Novel insights of impacts of solid content on high solid anaerobic digestion of cow manure: kinetics and microbial community dynamics.Bioresource Technology. 2021, 333, 125205

3. Jian Shen, Chuanyang Liu, Qing Lv, Junqiang Gu, Mingyu Su, Shifeng Wang, Yidi Chai, Cheng Cheng,Jing Wu*. Novel insights into impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on aquatic environment of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in southern Jiangsu region.Water Research. 2021.193,116873

4. Jian Shen, Bo Liu, Yidi Chai, Chuanyang Liu, Cheng Cheng, Wu Jing*. Characterizing fluorescence fingerprints of different types of metal plating wastewater by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix.Environmental Research. 2021.194, 110713

5. 程澄, 钱玉亭, 黄振荣, 姜静, 邵立, 王忠喜, 吕伟明, 吴静*.江苏江阴污水处理厂排水的三维荧光光谱特征.光谱学与光谱分析,录用

6. 梁鸿, 王文霞, 蒋冰艳, 刘伟龙, 王士峰, 梁漫春, 吴静*.水污染预警溯源技术用于工业污染源精准监管的案例研究.环境影响评价.2021,43,56-59

7. 刘传旸, 柴一荻, 徐宪根, 周俊, 陆森森,沈鉴, 何苗, 吴静*.南方某河水质荧光指纹特征及污染溯源.光谱学与光谱分析,2021, 7, 2142-2147

8. 祖丽徳孜努兰, 沈鉴, 冷晓婷, 柴一荻, 王士峰, 胡远, 崔皓月, 吴静*.硫胺素-三维荧光法测定水中汞离子的研究.光谱学与光谱分析,2021,41,1846-1851

9. Kun Li, Kaijun Wang, Jingyao Wang, QuanYuan, Chuan Shi,Jing Wu, Jiane Zuo. Performance assessment and metagenomic analysis of full-scale innovative two-stage anaerobic digestion biogas plant for food wastes treatment.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 264, 121646.

10. Cheng Cheng, Bo Liu, Chuanyang Liu, Jian Shen, Juldez Nurlan, Muhammad Farooq S Khan, Zhenrong Huang, Yuting Qian, Fei Shen,Jing Wu*. Tracking variation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter during full-scale printing and dyeing wastewater treatment.Chemosphere. 2020, 252, 126559

11. Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan, Jing Wu*, Cheng Cheng, Mona Akbar, Bo Liu, Chuan Yang Liu, Jian Shen, Yu Xin. Insight into fluorescence properties of 14 selected toxic single-ring aromatic compounds in water: experimental and DFT study.Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.2020, 14(3), 42

12. Jian Shen, Bo Liu, Jing Wu*,Yidi Chai, Cheng Cheng, Chuanyang Liu, Rui Yan, Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan. Characterization of fluorescent dissolved organic matters in metalworking fluid by fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and high-performance liquid chromatography. Chemosphere. 2019, 239.124703

13. Yu-ying Hu, Jing Wu*, Huai-zhi Li, Souhila Poncin, Kai-jun Wang, Jiane Zuo. Study of an enhanced dry anaerobic digestion of swine manure: performance and microbial community property.Bioresource Technology. 2019, 282,353-360

14. Yu-ying Hu, Jing Wu*, Huai-zhi Li, Souhila Poncin, Kai-jun Wang, Jian-e Zuo. Novel insight into high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure after thermal treatment: Kinetics and microbial community properties.Journal of Environmental Management. 2019,235:169-177.

15. Li Z., Hu Y., Liu C., Shen J.,Wu J.*, Li H., Wang K., Zuo J., Performance and microbial community of an expanded granular sludge bed reactor in the treatment of cephalosporin wastewater,Bioresource Technology, 2019, 275: 94-100.

16. Bo Liu, Jing Wu*, Cheng Cheng, Jiukai Tang, Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan, Jian Shen. Identification of textile wastewater in water bodies by fluorescence excitation emission matrix-parallel factor analysis and high-performance size exclusion chromatography.Chemosphere. 2019, 216, 617-623

17. Hui Gong, Zhengyu Jin, Heng Xu, Quan Yuan, Jiane Zuo,Jing Wu, Kaijun Wang. Enhanced membrane-based pre-concentration improves wastewater organic matter recovery: Pilot-scale performance and membrane fouling.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019,206, 307-314.

18. Zohaib Ur Rehman Afridi, Wu Jing, Hassan Younas. Biogas Production and Fundamental Mass Transfer Mechanism in Anaerobic Granular Sludge.Sustainability. 2019, 11, 4443

19. ZohaibUr Rehman Afridi, Jing Wu*, Zhong Hua Li, Raseduzzman Akand, Zhi Ping Cao, Souhila Poncin, Huai Zhi Li. Novel insight of spatial mass transfer conditions of upflow anaerobic reactor.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018,204:390-398.

20. Jiukai Tang, Jing WU*, Zhonghua LI, Cheng CHENG, Bo LIU, Yidi CHAI, Yongjun WANG. Novel insights into variation of fluorescent dissolved organic matters during antibiotic wastewater treatment by excitation emission matrix coupled with parallel factor analysis and cosine similarity assessment.Chemosphere. 2018, 210: 843-848.

21. Hui Gong, Zhengyu Jin, Heng Xu, Qingbin Wang, Jiane Zuo, Jing Wu, Kaijun Wang. Redesigning C and N mass flows for energy-neutral wastewater treatment by coagulation adsorption enhanced membrane (CAEM)-based pre-concentration process.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018,342, 304-309

22. Yuying Hu, Jing Wu*, Souhila Poncin, et al. Flow field investigation of high solid anaerobic digestion by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).Science of the Total Environment. 2018,626:592-602.

23. Cheng Cheng, Jing Wu*, Luodan You, Jiukai Tang, Yidi Chai, Bo Liu, Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan. Novel insights into variation of dissolved organic matter during textile wastewater treatment by fluorescence excitation emission matrix.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 335: 13-21

24. 胡远, 柴一荻, 刘博, 王文霞, 汤久凯, 付新梅, 吴静*. 某兽药抗生素废水的荧光水质指纹特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2018, 38(10): 3144-3147.

25. Muhammad Farooq Saleem KHAN, Jing WU*, Bo LIU, Cheng CHENG, Jiukai TANG, Mona AKBAR, Yidi CHAI, Aisha MEMON. Fluorescence and photophysical properties of xylene isomers in water: with experimental and theoretical approaches.Royal Society Open Science. 2018, rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org R.Soc.opensci.5:171719

26. Jing Wu*, Zhiping Cao, Yuying Hu, Xiaolu Wang, Guangqi Wang, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang, Yi Qian. Microbial insight into a pilot-scale enhanced two-stage high-solid anaerobic digestion system treating waste activated sludge.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017, 14, 1483-1509.

27. Zohaib Ur Rehman Afridi, Jing Wu*, Zhi Ping Cao, Zhong Liang Zhang, Zhong Hua Li, Souhila Poncin, Huai Zhi Li. Insight into mass transfer by convective diffusion in anaerobic granules to enhance biogas production.Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2017,127:154-160.

28. Jing WU*, Yu-ying HU, Shi-feng WANG, Zhi-ping CAO, Huai-zhi Li, Xin-Mei Fu, Kai-jun WANG, Jian-e ZUO. Effects of thermal treatment on high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure: Enhancement assessment and kinetic analysis. Waste Management, 2017, 62: 69-75.

29. 曹知平, 吴静*, 左剑恶, 等。强化两相污泥高固厌氧消化系统的微生物群落. 环境科学, 2017, 38(5): 2059-2064.

30. 黄振荣, 程澄, 汤久凯, 吕伟明, 陶婷婷, 王晓炯, 吴静*. 印染废水处理厂排水中有机物的荧光方法表征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2017, 31(10): 3118-3121.

31. 郭香麟, 左剑恶*, 史绪川, 王凯军, 吴静. 餐厨垃圾与秸秆混合中温和高温厌氧消化对比. 环境科学, 2017, 07, 3070-3077

32. 汤久凯, 吴静*, 程澄, 李中华, 赵宇菲, 王士峰, 王勇军. 某半合成青霉素制药废水的水质指纹特性. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 36(11):3602-3606.

33. Jiankai Jiang, Jing Wu, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z. Li. Rheological characterization of digested sludge by solid sphere impact. Bioresource Technology,218 (2016) 301-306.

34. Jiankai Jiang,Jing Wu*, Zhongliang Zhang,Souhila Poncin, Véronique Falk,Huai Z. Li*. Crater formation on anaerobic granular sludge.Chemical Engineering Journal, 300(2016):423-428.

35. Yuanyuan Wu, Cuiping Wang, Xiaoji Liu, Hailing Ma, Jing Wu, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang. A new method of two-phase anaerobic digestion for fruit and vegetable waste treatment.Bioresource Technology, 2016, 211:16-23.

36. Zhengyu Jin, Hui Gong, Hardy Temmink, Haifeng Nie, Jing Wu, Jiane Zuo, Kaijun Wang. Efficient sewage pre-concentration with combined coagulation microfiltration for organic matter recovery.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 292: 130-138.

37. Jiankai Jiang, Jing Wu*, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z. Li*. Effect of hydrodynamic shear on biogas production and granule characteristics in a continuous stirred tank reactor.Process Biochemistry.2016, 51(3): 345-351.

38. Jing Wu*, Zohaib Ur Rehman Afridi, Zhi PingCao, et al. Size effect of anaerobic granular sludge on biogas production: A micro scale study.Bioresource Technology. 2016. 202: 165-171.

39. 吕清, 徐诗琴, 顾俊强, 王士峰, 吴静*, 程澄, 汤久凯. 基于水纹识别的水体污染溯源案例研究. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 8:2590-2595.

40. 吴静*, 赵宇菲, 曹炯准, 杨林, 李中华, 汤久凯. 某头孢制药废水的水质指纹特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2016, 36(4):1075-1079.

41. 胡玉瑛, 吴静, 王士峰, 曹知平, 王凯军, 左剑恶. 热处理对猪粪高固厌氧消化产甲烷能力的影响. 环境科学, 2015, 36: 3094-3098.

42. 王士峰, 吴静*, 程澄, 杨林, 赵宇菲, 吕清, 付新梅. 某印染废水的水质指纹特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(12): 3440-3443.

43. 蔡博峰, 高庆先, 李中华, 吴静, 王军霞. 中国污水处理厂甲烷排放研究. 中国环境科学, 2015, 35(12): 3810-3816.

44. 吴静, 姜艳, 曹知平, 等. 剩余污泥低温热水解中试. 12BET学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(1): 93-97.

45. J. Wu, Y. Jiang, Z. P. Cao, Z. H. L, Y. Y. Hu, H. Z. Li, J. E. Zuo, K. J. Wang. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge of low organic content in a novel digester. Water Science and Technology. 2015,72: 966-973

46. Jing WU*, Jinbai Zhang, Souhila Poncin, Huai Z. Li, Jiankai Jiang, Zohaib Ur Rehman. Effects of rising biogas bubbles on the hydrodynamic shear conditions around anaerobic granule. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015, 273: 111–119.

47. 吕清, 顾俊强, 徐诗琴, 吴静. 水纹预警溯源技术在地表水水质监测的应用. 中国环境监测, 2015, 31(1):152-156

48. Wedraogo T.N., Poncin S., Wu J., Li Huai Z. Intensified biogas purification in a stirred tank. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2014, 01, 86:1-8

49. 史琳, 王福强, 吴静, 杨倩鹏, 李辉. 基于典型印染废水余热热泵回收的热力学分析. 热科学与技术. 2014, 13(4):300-303.

50. 吴静, 王广启, 曹知平, 李中华, 胡玉瑛, 王凯军, 左剑恶. “热水解-高温厌氧消化”工艺处理高含固率剩余污泥的中试研究. 环境科学, 2014, 35(9):3461-3465.

51. Jiang J.K., Wu J., Poncin S., Li H.Z.* Rheological characteristics of highly concentrate danaerobic digested sludge.Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2014, 86: 57-61.

52. Jiang JK*Wu J, et al. Multiscale hydrodynamic investigation to intensify thebiogasproduction in upflow anaerobic reactors.Bioresource Technology, 2014,155, 1-7.

53. 谢超波, 吴静*, 曹知平, 杨林, 吕清, 张仁泉. 大流量河道的水质荧光指纹变化. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2014, 34(3): 695-697.

54. 尹丹丹, 吴静*, 谢超波, 曹知平, 吕清, 张仁泉. 同分异构体菲与蒽三维荧光特征的比较. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2013, 33(12): 3263-3268

55. 吴静*, 谢超波, 曹知平, 尹丹丹. 荧光指纹技术----化学试剂质量检测新工具. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2013, 33(2):395-398

56. 戴春燕, 吴静*, 向熙, 谢超波, 尹丹丹, 曹知平, 吕清. 工业废水为主的城市污水的荧光指纹特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2013, 33, 2:414-417

57. 王广启, 吴静, 左剑恶, 王凯军. 城市污泥高固体浓度厌氧消化的研究进展. 中国沼气, 2013, 31(6): 9-12

58. 杨倩鹏, 吴静, 王福强, 史琳. 热泵回收印染余热系统的设计及维护管理. 印染, 2013, 11: 30-35

59. Zhang, J. B., Wu, J., Poncin, S., Hamelin, M., & Li, H. Z.*, Microscale investigation of anaerobic biogas production under various hydrodynamic conditions. Environmental science & technology, 2012, 46(16), 8698-8704.

60. Jing Wu*, Lei Bi, Jin Bai Zhang, Souhila Poncin, Zhi Ping Cao, Huai Zhi Li. Effects of increase modes of shear force on granule disruption in upflow anaerobic reactors.Water Research, 2012, 46: 3189 -3196.

61. Wu J.*, J.B. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Z.P. Cao, S. Poncin, H.Z. Li. Impacts of hydrodynamic conditions on sludge digestion in internal circulation anaerobic digester.Process Biochemistry, 2012, 47, 1627-1632.

62. 张仲良, 吴静, 蒋剑凯, 姜洁, 李怀志. 一种厌氧微观定量研究新方法. 环境科学, 2012, 32(11): 337-341.

63. 代京京, 吴静*, 谢超波, 尹丹丹. 丁基萘磺酸钠水溶液的三维荧光特性. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2012, 32, 11: 3053-3057.

64. JiangY, Wu J, et al. Overall estimation of mesophilic high-rate anaerobic sludge digestion in internal circulation anaerobic digester integrated with sewage source heat pump.Water Practice and Tech, 2012,7,1

65. 吴静*, 谢超波, 曹知平, 孙亚楠, 向熙, 戴春燕. 炼油废水的荧光指纹特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2012, 32, 2: 415-419

66. 吴静*, 崔硕, 谢超波, 曹知平, 陈茂福, 律严励. 好氧处理后城市污水荧光指纹的变化. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2011, 31(12): 1-5

67. 吴静*, 曹知平, 谢超波, 孙亚楠, 戴春燕, 向熙. 石化废水的三维荧光光谱特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2011, 31(9): 2437-2441

68. Zhang J B, Poncin S., Wu J. et al. A multiscale approach for studying an anaerobic multiphase bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science(2011), 66(14), 3423 - 3431

69. 吴静, 赵鹏娟, 田磊, 史琳, 施汉昌, 姜艳. 高温污泥厌氧消化器的启动. 环境科学, 2011, 32(2):217-220.

70. 田磊, 史琳, 吴静, 赵鹏娟, 施汉昌. 基于污水源热泵的污泥高温厌氧消化系统实验研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2011,19(5):792-797.

71. 吴静*, 崔硕, 苏伟, 曹知平. 北京城市水体的三维荧光特征. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2011, 31(6):1562-1566

72. WU J., ZHAO P.J., TIAN L., SHI L. and SHI H.C. Internal circulation anaerobic digester----a upflow anaerobic sludge digester. Journal of Biotechnology, 150, 2010, S39

73. 吴静, 黄建东, 陆正禹, 等. 内循环厌氧反应器的快速启动策略. 12BET学报, 2010, 50, 3: 400-402

74. 吴静, 田磊, 温宗国, 等. 基于区域组团式水热能综合利用的化纤行业节能减排模式. 化工环保, 2010, 30(1): 72-75

75. 蒋剑凯, 吴静, 刘雪华. 景观湖水质的三维荧光指纹. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2010, 30(6): 1525~1529

76. 吴静, 周红明, 姜洁. 水力剪切力对厌氧反应器启动的影响. 环境科学, 2010, 31(2): 368-372

77. 田磊, 史琳, 吴静, 安青松, 施汉昌. 基于再生水源热泵的城市污水处理厂冷热联供系统. 制冷学报, 2010, 31(6):1-5.

78. Wu J, Zhou HM, Li HZ, et al. Impacts of hydrodynamic shear force on nucleation of flocculent sludge in anaerobic reactor,Water Research,2009,43, 12 , 3029-3036

79. 吴静, 姜洁, 周红明. 我国城市污水处理厂污泥产沼气的前景分析. 给水排水, 2009,35,增刊: 190-193

80. O'Reilly, J; Chinalia, FA,Mahony, T; Collins, G; Wu, J; O'Flaherty, V. Cultivationof low-temperature (15 degrees C), anaerobic, wastewater treatment granules. 2009, Letters in Applied Microbiology, 49(4):421-426.

81. 田磊, 史琳, 吴静, 施汉昌. 再生水源热泵应用于污泥厌氧处理的能流分析. 华北电力大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 36(4):47-50.

82. J. Wu, H.M. Zhou, J. Jiang, Y.M. Xie. Quantitative investigation on nucleation of flocculent sludge under different hydraulic conditions in anaerobic reactors. Journal of Biotechnology,136(Supplement 1), 2008, S466

83. 周红明, 吴静, 谢宇铭, 等.厌氧反应器中絮状污泥成核过程研究.环境科学, 2008. 29(11): 122-126

84. 吴静, 陈庆俊, 陈茂福, 律严励. 城市污水的三维荧光指纹特征比较. 光学学报, 2008, 28(10): 2022-2025

85. 陈茂福, 吴静, 律严励, 陈庆俊. 城市污水的三维荧光指纹特征.光学学报, 2008, 28(3): 578-582

86. 吴静, 姜洁, 周红明, 等. 我国城市污水厂污泥厌氧消化系统的运行现状. 中国给水排水, 2008, 24(22): 21-24

87. 毕蕾, 吴静, 等. 内循环厌氧反应器的污泥颗粒化过程. 12BET学报, 2007,9: 1485-1488

88. Wu J, Lu Z Y, J C Hu, Feng L, Huang J D, Gu X S.Disruption of Granules by Hydrodynamic Force inInternalCirculation Anaerobic Reactor. Water Science & Technology, 2006, 54(9): 9-16

89. Wu J., Pons M.N. and Potier O. Wastewater fingerprinting by UV-visible and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Water Science & Technology. 2006, 53(4/5): 449-456

90. Wu J, Pons M N, Potier O, et al. Caracterisation multi-spectrale des eaux urbaines. Techniques Sciences Methodes (French), 2005,10, 97-103

91. 郝志涛, 吴静, 陆正禹, 闫毓霞, 王志强. 粉煤灰对采油废水中污染物质的吸附研究. 化工环保, 2004, 第24卷增刊: 341-344.

92. 陈敏, 吴静, 陆正禹, 吴伟伟. 内循环厌氧反应器膨胀床颗粒污泥特性研究. 环境科学, 2004, 25(6): 127-131

93. 吴静, 陆正禹. 高氟废水的组合处理工艺. 中国给水排水, 2003, 19(13): 39-40

94. 冯亮, 吴静, 陆正禹. 高温厌氧颗粒污泥的培养试验研究. 中国沼气, 2003, 21(3): 12-14

95. 邹启贤, 吴静, 许裕金, 陆正禹. 陶瓷膜处理油田外排废水试验研究. 化工环保, 2002, 22: 324-327

96. 吴静, 陆正禹, 胡纪萃, 顾夏声. 新型高效内循环(IC)厌氧反应器. 中国给水排水, 2001, 17(1): 26-29

97. 吴静, 盛飞, 陆正禹. 生产性UASB反应器的中温高温交替运行过程. 环境科学, 2001, 23(5): 51-54

98. 邹启贤, 吴静, 陆正禹, 左剑恶. 唐山欧联豪门啤酒废水处理站设计. 环境工程,2001,1: 18-19

99. 陆正禹,吴静,盛飞. 两级UASB-好氧工艺处理柠檬酸废水. 给水排水, 2000, 26(11): 46-48

100. 吴静, 陆正禹, 胡纪萃, 冯亮, 顾夏声. 内循环厌氧反应器处理葡萄糖配水的启动研究. 中国沼气, 2000, 18(4): 16-19


1. Mahdi Seyedsalehi, Muhammad Abid, Yuying Hu, Jing Wu*, Huaizhi Li, Souhila Poncin. Characterizing and modelling High Solid Anaerobic Digestion at different ammonium concentrations. 5th IWA Specialized International Conference Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment (ecoSTP) 2020. June 22-26, 2020, Milan, Italy.

2. Chuanyang Liu, Jing Wu*, Yuan Hu, Cheng Cheng, Jian Shen, Bo Liu, Liang Feng. Characterization of fluorescence dissolved organic matter in upstream of Yangtze river by excitation-emission-matrix parallel factor analysis. SCON World Congress on Optics, Photonics and Laser Technologies. February 17-18, 2020, Singapore

3. Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan, Jing Wu*, Cheng Cheng, Mona Akbar, Bo Liu, Chuanyang Liu, Jian Shen, Yu Xin, Muhammad Abdul Qadir. Fluorescence and Photophysical Properties of Halogenated benzenes in water: A Theoretical and Experimental Approach. Recent Innovations in Molecular Sciences, Nov. 06-08, 2019, Lahore, Pakistan

4. Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan, Jing Wu*, Bo Liu, Cheng Cheng, Mona Akbar, Chuanyang Liu, Jian Shen. Experimental and theoretical insight of photophysical properties of anthracene and phenanthrene in water: effect of molecular structure and pH. World Spectroscopy Congress. 24-27 March, 2019, Sweden

5. Yu-ying Hu, Jing Wu*, et al.Enhanced dry anaerobic digestion of swine manure by thermal pretreatment.7thInternational Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation. July 02-05, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

6. Zohaib Ur Rehman A., Jing Wu*, Zhong Hua L., Raseduzzman A., Souhila P., Huai Zhi L. Spatial mass transfer properties of upflow anaerobic reactors with a pilot uasb as case study. 25th International Conference on Chemical Reaction Engineering. May 20-23, 2018, Florence, Italy

7. Asia Water Forum 2018, Oct. 2-5 Manila, Philippines

8. The 3rd international conference on recent advances in pollution control and resource recovery for the livestock farming industry, July 26-28, 2018 Xiamen, China

9. Shanghai Cooperation Organization Environment Information Sharing Platform Workshop, May 14, 2018, Beijing, China

10. Cheng Cheng, Jing Wu. Tracking dissolved organic matter of textile wastewater during treatment by excitation emission matrix. 3rd International Water Industry Conference 2017, Gyeongju, Korea, 19-22 Sept., 2017

11. Cheng Cheng, Jing Wu, Bo Liu, Muhammad Farooq S. Khan. Tracking dissolved organic matter of textile wastewater during treatment by fluorescence excitation emission matrix. CESE 2017, Kunming, China, Nov.11-15,2017

12. Aisha Memon, Jing Wu, Bo Liu, Yidi Chai, Cheng Cheng, Muhammad Farooq Saleem Khan. A Novel Method Based on Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Pollution Discharge Source. Efficient 2017 (IWA), Bath, England, July 18-20,2017

13. Cheng Cheng, Jing Wu, Bo Liu, Jiukai Tang, Khan M. Saleem. Characterization of fluorescent DOM in textile dyeing wastewater. 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, USA, April 2-6, 2017.

14. Jiu-Kai Tang, Jing Wu, Bo Liu, Cheng Cheng, Khan Muhammad Farooq Saleem, Yong-Jin Liu. A Novel Method for Source Identification of Organic Matters Based on Fluorescence Fine Features, Polarity and Molecular Weight.18th International Conference of International Humic Substances Society, Kanazawa, Japan, September 11-16, 2016.

15. J. WU, Z.P. CAO, G.Q. WANG, Z. Ur REHMAN, Y.Y. HU, C. CHENG, J. E ZUO, K.J. WANG.Enhancedhigh-solid-content anaerobic digestion treating waste activated sludge, 6thInternational Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, May 23-26, 2016, Albi, France

16. J. Wu, G.Q.Wang, Z.P. Cao, Y.Y. Hu, Z. U. Rehman, Z.H. Li, J.E. Zuo, K.J. Wang. Pilot study of enhanced two-stage anaerobic digestion process treating waste activated sludge of high solid content. IWA: AD14, 15-19 Nov., 2015, Vina del Mal, Chile

17. 吴静, 吕清, 王士峰, 徐诗琴, 顾俊强, 程澄, 汤久凯. 污染预警溯源仪应用案例研究. 第八届中国在线分析仪器应用及发展国际论坛暨展览会. 2015,11.15-17, 北京.

18. 吕清, 吴静, 王士峰, 顾俊强, 徐诗琴, 杨林, 赵宇菲. 水纹预警溯源仪在水质监测的应用: 以水源地为例. 第七届中国在线分析仪器应用及发展国际论坛暨展览会. 2014, 10.29-31, 北京, 324-328.

19. J. WU, Y. Jiang, Z.P. CAO, J.K. Jiang, J.E ZUO. Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge of Low Organic Content In A Novel Digester.IWA: Global challenges: sustainable wastewater treatment and resource recovery, 26-30 Oct., 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal

20. WANG Shifeng, WU Jing, YIN Dandan, LV Qin, ZHAO Yufei. Influence of industrial pollution on Taihu Lake----viewed from three dimensional fluorescence fingerprints. International conference on environment simulation and pollution control, Beijing, Nov, 2013

21. 王福强, 吴静, 杨倩鹏, 史琳. 基于典型印染废水余热热泵回收的热力学分析. 第17届全国热力学分析与节能会议, 2013,7-8, 广东

22. 王福强, 吴静, 李辉, 杨倩鹏, 史琳. 基于不同织物工艺热需求的余热热泵优化匹配分析. 高等学校工程热物理第十九届全国学术会议, 河南郑州, 2013年5月17—20日

23. Jing Wu, Yan Jiang, Zhi-Ping Cao, Zhong-Hua Li, Guang-Qi Wang, Yu-Ying Hu. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge of low organic content: Pilot study. The 6th CESE conference. Daegu, Korea 29 Oct. - 2 Nov. , 2013

24. J. Wu, Z.P. Cao, Z.H. Li, Y. Jiang. Comparison of mesophilic and thermophilic digestion in a novel upflow sludge anaerobic digester. the 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion , Santiago de Compostela, Spain June 25-28, 2013

25. Zhang J.B., Wu J., Jiang J.K., et al. A multiscale investigation of biogas production in anaerobic reactors.2012 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment. Dalian, China, May 19-20, 2012

26. WU J., JIANG Y., CAO Z.P., WANG G.Q. Anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge of low organic content in a novel upflow digester. International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2012), Daegu, South Korea, Sept 16-21, 2012

27. XIE C.B., WU J., CAO Z.P., YIN D.D. Fluorescence fingerprint properties of the wastewater of an industrial park. International conference on environment simulation and pollution control, Beijing, 24-25 Nov, 2011

28. ZHANG Z.L., WU J., ZHANG J.B., et al. A novel anaerobic microscopical quantitative approach. International conference on environment simulation and pollution control, Beijing, 24-25 Nov, 2011

29. WU J. et al. Municipal Sludge Anaerobic Digestion in China: Status and Problems. Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes & Energy Crops 2011. Vienna, Austria, 28 Aug -1 Sept, 2011

30. 田磊, 史琳, 吴静, 施汉昌. 城市污水处理厂新资源能源综合利用系统. 中国制冷学会2009年学术年会论文集. 2009-11-02.

31. J WU, L BI, S WANG, H M ZHOU, J JIANG. Anaerobic sludge granulation with granular fragments as nuclei. The third Tsinghua-Cornell international forum on sustainability: water resource, energy and environment. Cornell University, U.S.A. May 10-12, 2008

32. J. WU, Q.J. CHEN, M.F. CHEN and Y.L. LV. Fluorescence fingerprint of municipal wastewater. Proceedings of the 14thseminar of JSPS-MOE core university program on urban environment. 7-8 September, 2007, Kyoto (Japan), 65-70

33. 陈庆俊, 吴静, 律严励. 水体类蛋白荧光信号在水质监测方面的研究进展. 第五届环境模拟与污染控制学术研讨会, 北京, 2007, 11月

34. J. WU, M.F. CHEN, Y.L. LV and Q.J. CHEN. Fluorescence fingerprint of wastewater---- case study: municipal wastewater.International Workshop on Monitoring and Sensor for Water Pollution Control.13-14June, 2007, Beijing(China)

35. 吴静, 黄建东, 陆正禹. 内循环厌氧反应器的快速启动研究. In:2006年全国水处理、节水节能及环保精细化学品学术交流会. 2006.7, 宁波. 263-267

36. M.N. PONS, J. WU, O. POTIER, M. MOTTA. Spectroscopic Techniques for Facilitation of Water Quality Monitoring.ICBF 2006 Proceedings, 18-21 June2006, Patras (Greece)

37. 平凡, 吴静. 陆正禹. 高温UASB中温运行的试验研究. 环境科学与工程(王继明教授90寿辰庆贺文集), 中国建筑工业出版社, 北京, 2005: 119-124

38. 吴静, 陆正禹, 毕蕾. 中国城市污水厂污泥厌氧消化系统运行现状. 2005中国城市污水厂建设与运行分析与报告会, 2005, Nov 22-24, 北京

39. Pons M.N., Wu J., and Potier O. Chemometric estimation of wastewater composition for the on-line control of treatment plants. In:16th IFAC World Congress,2005, Prague, Czech, 49-54

40. Wu J, Le Bonte S., Pons M N. Wastewater characterisation by UV-visible and fluorescence spectrometry. 19-24 Sep, 2004, Marrakech, Morocco. 4th IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition. Paper ID 25816.

41. Wu J, Pons M N, Potier O. Fluorescent properties of Municipal Wastewater. In: Nancy-Karlsruhe-meeting of biotechnology 2004, Flehingen, Germany

42. 吴静, 陆正禹. 含氟水的处理技术. In:大地之爱—母亲水窖国际研讨会, 北京, 2003

43. Wu J, Lu Z Y, Hu J C, Feng L, Gu X S. Study on start-up of internal circulation anaerobic reactor. In: Proceedings of 2000 International Symposium On Biogas Technology (Anaerobic Digestion) And Sustainable Development. Beijing, China, 2000, 341-345

44. 陆正禹, 左剑恶, 吴静. UASB反应器在中国的开发研究及其应用. In:第三届中德环境保护研讨会. 北京, 中国, 1999


1. 一种水污染排放源数据库及其建立方法(发明,第一发明人)

2. 一种厌氧-微氧膜生物反应器及其运行方法(发明,第一发明人)

3. 一种二维单射曲面数据的特征提取与匹配方法(发明,第一发明人)

4. 一种溶液自动稀释设备(发明,第一发明人)

5. 一种畜禽粪便厌氧处理方法(发明,第一发明人)

6. 一种单反应区的内循环厌氧膜生物反应器(发明,第一发明人)

7. 一种升流式厌氧污泥消化器(发明,第一发明人)

8. 一种生物膜型内循环厌氧反应器(发明,第一发明人)

9. 一种热泵和污泥干化集成方法及系统(发明,第一发明人)

10. 复合内循环厌氧反应器(发明,第一发明人)

11. 一种竖流式自动隔油沉淀装置(发明,第一发明人)

12. 医院污水全封闭处理工艺与一体化装置(发明,第一发明人)

13. 一种好氧厌氧两用废水处理装置(发明,第一发明人)

14. 新型内循环厌氧反应器(实用新型,第一发明人)

15. 内循环厌氧膨胀床/流化床反应器(实用新型,第一发明人)


1. 水质有机污染荧光预警软件[简称FWY solution V2.0](2012SR039574)

2. 区域水安全预警软件v2.0(2018SR 212442)

3. 水质指纹数据库软件v3.0(2018SR259567)

4. 预警溯源仪测试软件v2.0(2018SR255930)

5. 工业园区溯源软件v2.0(2018SR255932)

6. 水污染溯源软件v3.0(2018SR256017)

7. 分布式水环境在线预警溯源系统软件2.0(2020SR0254362)

8. 水质指纹制库软件2.0(2020SR0254353)


1. 在线分析仪器系统通用规范