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首页 > 团队队伍 > 教师 > 固体废物控制与资源化教研所 > 正文







1988.09-1993.07 12BET环境工程系 本科

1993.08-1998.07 12BET环境科学与工程系 博士


1997.01-1998.01     英国Bradford大学土环系 访问学者

1998.08-2001.07      12BET环境科学与工程系 讲师

2001.08-2009.11      12BET环境科学与工程系 副教授

2009.12-至今        12BET 教授、博士生导师


2004-至今    环境科学与工程学位分委员会 委员
2006-2011    固体废物控制与资源化教研所 所长
2007-2010    环境科学与工程系 党委副书记
2009-2019    固体废物处理与环境安全教育部重点实验室 副主任、主任
2010-2016    12BET 副经理
2018-2022    12BET学术委员会 委员






2011-:中国环境科学学会重金属污染防治专业委员会 副主任委员
2013-:中国环境科学学会第七届理事会咨询评估工作委员会 委员
2013-:中国城市环境卫生协会市容环境卫生管理专业委员会 委员
2015-:中国稀土工业污染防治技术联盟 常务理事
2015-:《环境工程》期刊编委会 编委
2017-:中国发明协会第七/八届全国理事会 理事
2019-:中华环保联合会 常务理事
2022-:《当代化工研究》期刊编委会  编委
2023-:《中国环境科学》期刊第七届编委会 编委
2023-:《环境科学与技术》期刊 编委
2023-:中华环保联合会固危废及土壤污染治理专业委员会 常务委员
2023-:中国国际稀土联盟 委员





  1. 自然科学基金面上项目:新型低能耗液-液相变混合胺沼气纯化体系构建及其稳定性影响机制(22376115)

  2. 深圳市宝安区:宝安区厨余垃圾收运处理碳排放核查与评估(2022-2025)

  3. 自然科学基金面上项目:高分散性树脂基固态胺沼气纯化材料制备及其对沼气复杂组分的响应机制研究(22176108)

  4. 中国铁工建设投资集团:固废处理资源化和土壤污染治理技术(2020-2025)

  5. 深圳市宝安区:老虎坑环境园环境监测及评估(2019-2025)

  6. 十三五水重大专项:污泥与废弃物处置及资源化利用技术集成与综合示范(2017ZX07202005)

  7. 自然科学基金面上项目:粉煤灰合成有序介孔纳米材料的CO2辅助沉淀技术及机理研究(21776160)

  8. 十二五水重大专项:丹江口库区小流域特色矿产重金属污染全过程控制关键技术研究与示范(2015ZX07205003)

  9. 自然科学基金面上项目:光伏产业废物制备硅基固态胺CO2吸附材料技术及机理研究(21576156)

  10. 12BET自主科研重点基础研究:基于钙硅基工业固废的碳捕集材料开发及其应用基础研究(2014z22075)

  11. 清华珠三角研究院固废处置与土壤修复研究中心重点研发计划(2017-2022)

  12. 十二五水重大专项:城区水污染过程控制与水环境综合改善技术集成与示范(2012ZX07301-001)

  13. 国家863重大项目:光伏材料生产过程废物资源化关键技术与示范(2012AA06A116)

  14. 清华(12BET)污染场地综合治理联合研究中心(2010-2017)

  15. 国际合作项目(日本):工业固废资源化及污染土壤修复技术研究(2012-2017)

  16. 十二五科技支撑计划:固体废弃物再生建材安全性控制及评价技术(2011BAJ04B05-06)

  17. 国家863重点项目:含氯代有机物工业废物处理技术研究与示范(2009AA064001)

  18. 国家863重点项目:有毒有害工业固体废物处理处置与资源化技术开发(2009AA064001-5)

  19. 十一五水重大专项:老城区水环境污染控制与质量改善技术研究与示范(2008ZX07313-001)

  20. 国家环保部:汶川特大地震灾后环境安全评估与应对措施

  21. 自然科学基金面上项目:基于加速碳酸化技术的生活垃圾焚烧飞灰稳定化处理及其固定CO2潜能的研究(50778099)


  1. 12BET优秀教材二等奖,固体废物处置与资源化(第三版),2024

  2. 12BET“启航奖”金奖获得者指导教师,12BET,2024

  3. 厨余垃圾厌氧生物处理及其产物的高值化利用技术,发明创业奖·创新奖一等奖(排名第1),中国发明协会,2022

  4. High-Valued Products Derived from Organic Wastes Using Advanced Hydrolysis Technology and Its Utilization,Geneva Inventions International Silver Medal日内瓦国际发明奖银奖(排名第1),2021

  5. 典型有机物/重金属污染场地土壤可持续修复技术,发明创业奖·成果奖一等奖(排名第1),中国发明协会,2020

  6. 12BET优秀班主任二等奖,12BET,2020

  7. 长江流域有色金属采选冶典型重金属污染源控制关键技术与应用,中国有色金属工业科学技术奖二等奖,中国有色金属工业协会、中国有色金属学会,2020

  8. 第十届“发明创业奖•人物奖”,中国发明协会,2018

  9. 首届12BET年度教学优秀奖(2016 年度),12BET,2017

  10. 12BET“启航奖”金奖获得者指导教师,12BET,2016

  11. 12BET毕业生就业工作先进个人,12BET,2016

  12. 一种有机物污染土壤滚筒式逆向热脱附系统(ZL201010598161.7),第十八届中国专利奖优秀奖(排名第1),中国知识产权局,2016

  13. 生活垃圾填埋场安全稳定运行和节能减排关键技术集成及应用,中国产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖(排名第1),中国产学研合作促进会,2016

  14. 城市面源污染控制与景观水体水质改善成套技术与应用,北京市科学技术奖一等奖(排名第6),北京市,2015

  15. 生活垃圾填埋场快速稳定化及安全运行关键技术集成及应用,教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖(排名第1),教育部,2015

  16. 12BET精品课程,固体废物处理处置工程,12BET,2012

  17. 12BET优秀教材二等奖,固体废物处置与资源化,2012

  18. 生活垃圾卫生填埋场安全运营与节能减排技术集成及工程示范,华夏建设科学技术奖三等奖(排名第3),建设部,2012

  19. 环境专业本科生拔尖创新人才培养第二课堂建设实践,12BET教学成果奖一等奖(排名第1),12BET,2010

  20. 老垃圾填埋场快速稳定化技术及其在封场工程中的应用,环境保护部环境保护科学技术奖三等奖(排名第1),环保部,2009

  21. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,教育部,2009

  22. 厌氧型生物反应器填埋场中试研究及工程应用,建设部华夏建设科学技术奖二等奖(排名第1),建设部,2008

  23. 固体废物处理处置工程系列课程建设与创新实践,12BET教学成果奖二等奖(排名第1),12BET,2008

  24. 城市生活垃圾卫生填埋示范工程——生态填埋处理成套化技术,国家科技进步二等奖,第四完成单位,2003









  1. 蒋建国主编,城市环境卫生基础设施建设与管理,化学工业出版社,2005

  2. 蒋建国编著,固体废物处理处置工程,化学工业出版社,2005

  3. 蒋建国主编,注册环保工程师专业考试复习教材——第4篇 固体废物处理处置与资源化工程基础与实践,环境科学出版社,2007

  4. 蒋建国编著,固体废物处置与资源化(“十一五”国家级规划教材),化学工业出版社,2008.5

  5. 蒋建国主编,注册环保工程师专业考试复习教材(修订版)——第4篇 固体废物处理处置与资源化工程基础与实践,环境科学出版社,2011

  6. 蒋建国副主编,城市生活垃圾处理知识问答(环保科普丛书),中国环境科学出版社,2012

  7. 蒋建国编著,固体废物处置与资源化(第二版)(“十二五”国家级规划教材),化学工业出版社,2013

  8. 蒋建国主编,固体废物处理处置工程技术(注册环保工程师培训教材),中国环境出版社,2017

  9. 蒋建国,高语晨主编,钒及其伴生重金属污染土壤修复技术,中国环境出版社,2019

  10. 蒋建国,等编著,固体废物处置与资源化(第三版),化学工业出版社,2022



  1. Jiang Jianguo*, Tian Sicong, Chang Zhang. Influence of SO2 in incineration flue gas on the sequestration of CO2 by municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2013, 25 (4), 735-740.

  2. Jishi Zhang, Qinqing Wang, Jianguo Jiang. Lime mud from paper-making process addition to food waste synergistically enhances hydrogen fermentation performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38 (6), 2738-2745.

  3. Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Xuejing Chen, Feng Yan, Kaimin Li. Direct gas-solid carbonation kinetics of steel slag and the contribution to in-situ sequestration of flue gas CO2 in steel-making plants. ChemSusChem, 2013, 6 (12), 2348-2355.

  4. Jianguo Jiang*, Yujing Zhang, Kaimin Li, Quan Wang, Changxiu Gong, Menglu Li. Volatile fatty acids production from food waste: Effects of pH, temperature, and organic loading rate. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 143, 525-530.

  5. Jianguo Jiang*, Changxiu Gong, Sicong Tian, Shihui Yang, Yujing Zhang. Impact of ultrasonic treatment on dewaterability of sludge during Fenton oxidation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186 (12), 8081-8088.

  6. Kaimin Li, Jianguo Jiang*, Feng Yan, Sicong Tian, Xuejing Chen. The influence of polyethyleneimine type and molecular weight on the CO2 capture performance of PEI-nano silica adsorbents. Applied Energy, 2014, 136, 750-755.

  7. Ye Xiao, Jianguo Jiang*, Hai Huang. Chemical dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene with polyethylene glycol and hydroxide: Dominant effect of temperature and ionic potential. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 6305-6310.

  8. Ming Zhao, Jeffrey Shi, Xia Zhong, Sicong Tian, John Blamey, Jianguo Jiang* and Paul S. Fennell. A novel calcium looping absorbent incorporated with polymorphic spacers for hydrogen production and CO2 capture. Energy & Envrionmental Science, 2014, 7, 3291-3295.

  9. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Xuejing Chen, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li. Synthesis and characterization of silica nanoparticles preparing by low-temperature vapor-phase hydrolysis of SiCl4. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (30), 11884-11890.

  10. Hai Huang, Jianguo Jiang*, Ye Xiao, Xuejing Chen, Shuang Liu. A novel and efficient method for dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene using a sodium carbonate/glycerol system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 256 (9), 205-211.

  11. Ye Xiao, Jianguo Jiang*. Base-catalyzed decomposition of hexachlorobenzene: Effect on dechlorination efficiency of different hydrogen donors, alkalis and catalysts. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (30), 15713-15719.

  12. Kaimin Li, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Xuejing Chen, Feng Yan. Influence of silica types on synthesis and performance of amine-silica hybrid materials used for CO2 capture. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118 (5), 2454-2462.

  13. Xuejing Chen, Jianguo Jiang*, Feng Yan, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li. A novel low temperature vapor phase hydrolysis method for the production of nano-structured silica materials using silicon tetrachloride. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (17), 8703-8710.

  14. Changxiu Gong, Jianguo Jiang*, Jiaming Wang, Sicong Tian, Yujing Zhang. Effects of ultrasound pre-treatment on the amount of dissolved organic matter extracted from food waste. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 155, 266-271.

  15. Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Feng Yan, Xuejing Chen. Performance of steel slag in carbonation-calcination looping for CO2 capture from industrial flue gas. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (14), 6858-6862.

  16. Wei Du, Jianguo Jiang, Ye Xiao, Yujing Zhang, Qinshuo Guo, Shihui Yang. Characterization and composition of municipal solid waste in cities in southeast China. Waste Management, 2014,34(11):V-VI.

  17. Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Yan Feng and Kaimin Li. Synthesis of highly efficient CaO-based, self-stabilizing CO2 sorbents via structure-reforming of steel slag. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (12), 7464-7472.

  18. Changxiu Gong, Jianguo Jiang*, De’an Li, Sicong Tian. Ultrasonic application to boost hydroxyl radical formation during Fenton oxidation and release organic matter from sludge. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11419–11427.

  19. Quan Wang, Jianguo Jiang*, Yujing Zhang, Kaimin Li. Effect of initial total solids concentration on volatile fatty acid production from food waste during anaerobic acidification. Environmental Technology, 2015, 36 (15), 1884-1891.

  20. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Ming Zhao, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li, Tianran Li. A green and scalable synthesis of highly stable Ca-based sorbents for CO2 capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 7966-7973.

  21. Xuejing Chen, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li. Biogas dry reforming for syngas production: Catalytic performance of nickel supported on waste-derived SiO2. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5, 860-868.

  22. Kaimin Li, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Xuejing Chen, Feng Yan. Polyethyleneimine-nano silica composites: a low-cost and promising adsorbent for CO2 capture. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 2166–2175.

  23. Changxiu Gong, Jianguo Jiang*, De’an Li. Ultrasound coupled with Fenton oxidation pre-treatment of sludge to release organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 532, 495-500.

  24. Fen Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Sicong Tian, Ming Zhao, Xuejing Chen. Performance of coal fly ash stabilized, CaO-based sorbents under different carbonation-calcination conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015, 3, 2092-2099.

  25. Jiaming Wang, Jianguo Jiang*, Dean Li, Tianran Li, Nuo Liu, Wenjie Zhang. Removal of Pb and Zn from contaminated soil by different washing methods: the influence of reagents and ultrasound. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:20084–20091

  26. Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Davood Hosseini, Agnieszka M. Kierzkowska, Qasim Imtiaz, Marcin Broda, Christoph R. Müller. Development of a Steel-slag-based, iron-functionalized sorbent for an autothermal carbon dioxide capture process. ChemSusChem, 2015, 8 (22): 3839?3846.

  27. Haowei Zhang, Jianguo Jiang*, Menglu Li, Changxiu Gong, Quan Wang. Biological nitrate removal using a food waste-derived carbon source in synthetic wastewater and real sewage. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 166:407-413.

  28. Jing Chang, Hongjing Tian*, Jianguo Jiang, Cong Zhang, Qingjie Guo. Simulation and experimental study on the desulfurization for smelter off-gas using a recycling Ca-based desulfurizer. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 291:225–237.

  29. Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li, Jianguo Jiang*, Xuejing Chen and Feng Yan. CO2 abatement from the iron and steel industry using a combined Ca-Fe chemical loop. Applied Energy, 2016, 170:345-352.

  30. Kaimin Li, Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Jiaming Wang, Xuejing Chen, Feng Yan. Pine Cone Shell-Based Activated Carbon Used for CO2 Adsorption. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 5223-5234.

  31. Sicong Tian, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Xuejing Chen and Feng Yan. Highly efficient CO2 capture with simultaneous iron and CaO recycling for the iron and steel industry. Green Chemistry,  2016, 18, 4022-4031.

  32. Li Dean,Jiang Jianguo*,Li Tianran, Wang Jiaming. Soil heavy metal contamination related to roasted stone coal slag: A study based on geostatistical and multivariate analyses. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23 (14), 14405-14413.

  33. Nuo Liu, Jianguo Jiang*, Changxiu Gong, Feng Yan, Sicong Tian. Controlling odors from sewage sludge using ultrasound coupled with Fenton oxidation. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 181:124-128.

  34. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Zongwen Liu, Jeffrey Shi, Kaimin Li, Xuejing Chen, and Yiwen Xu. A green and facile synthesis of ordered mesoporous nano-silica using coal fly ash. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4 (9):4654–4661.

  35. Kaimin Li, Jianguo Jiang*. Research on Urea Formation of Amine Functional Adsorbent During CO2 Capture process: Two Key Factors Analysis, Temperature and Moisture. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120:25892?25902.

  36. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Sicong Tian, Zongwen Liu, Jeffrey Shi, Xuejing Chen, Jingyuan Fei, and Yuxiang Lu. Cyclic performance of waste-derived SiO2 stabilized, CaO-based sorbents for fast CO2 capture. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4 (12), 7004-7012.

  37. Xuejing Chen, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li,and Feng Yan. Energy-efficient biogas reforming process to produce syngas: The enhanced methane conversion by O2. Applied Energy, 2017, 185:687-697

  38. Jianguo Jiang*, Meng Yang, Yucheng Gao, Jiaming Wang, Dean Li, Tianran Li. Removal of toxic metals from vanadium-contaminated soils using a washing method: Reagent selection and parameter optimization. Chemosphere, 2017, 180:295-301

  39. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Nuo Liu, Xuejing Chen, Yuchen Gao and Sicong Tian. Green synthesis of nanosilica from coal fly ash and its stabilizing effect on CaO sorbents for CO2 capture. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51 (13):7606–7615.

  40. Nuo Liu, Quan Wang, Jianguo Jiang*, Changxiu Gong, Haowei Zhang. Enhanced production of volatile fatty acid from food waste: independent and combined effects of salt and grease. Renewable Energy, 2017, 113C:1523-1528

  41. Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Jianguo Jiang*, De’an Li, Tianran Li, Wenjie Zhang, Xutong Ding. Toxic metals tolerance in native plant species grown in Vanadium mining area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(34):26839-26850

  42. Yuchen Gao, Jianguo Jiang*, Sicong Tian, Kaimin Li, Feng Yan, Nuo Liu, Meng Yang, Xuejing Chen. BOF steel slag as a low-cost sorbent for vanadium (V) removal from synthetic soil washing effluent. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 :11177

  43. Xuejing Chen, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Feng Yan, and Sicong Tian. Dry reforming of model biogas on a Ni/SiO2 catalyst: overall performance and mechanisms of sulfur poisoning and regeneration. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5 (11):10248-10257

  44. Wenjie Zhang, Jianguo Jiang*, Kaimin Li, Tianran Li, De’an Li, and Jiaming Wang. Amendment of vanadium-contaminated soil with soil conditioners: A study based on pot experiments with canola plants (Brassica campestris L.). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018,  20(5), 454–461.

  45. Feng Yan, Jianguo Jiang*, Haowei Zhang, Nuo Liu, Quan Zou. Biological denitrification from mature landfill leachate using a food-waste-derived carbon source. Journal of Environmental Management , 2018, 214, 184–191.

  46. Nuo Liu, Jianguo Jiang*, Feng Yan, Yiwen Xu, Meng Yang, Yuchen Gao, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti. Optimization of simultaneous production of volatile fatty acids and bio-hydrogen from food waste using response surface methodology. RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 10457 - 10464

  47. Nuo Liu, Jianguo Jiang*, Feng  Yan, Yuchen Gao, Yuan Meng, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Tongyao Ju. Enhancement of volatile fatty acid production and biogas yield from food waste following sonication pretreatment. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 217: 797-804.

  48. Yu Xiaoniu, Jiang Jianguo*. Mineralization and cementing properties of bio-canbonate cement, bio-phosphate cement, and bio-canbonate/phosphate cement: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 21483-21497.

  49. Yuchen Gao, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuan Meng, Feng Yan, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti. A review on recent development of biogas utilization via dry reforming technology. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 171: 133-155.

  50. Aikelaimu Aihemaitia, Jianguo Jiang*, De’an Li, Nuo Liu, Tianran Li, Wenjie Zhang. The interactions of metal concentrations and soil properties on toxic metal accumulation of native plants in Vanadium mining area. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 222:216-226.

  51. Yuan Meng, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuchen Gao, Feng Yan, Nuo Liu, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti. Comprehensive study of CO2 capture performance under a wide temperature range using polyethyleneimine-modified adsorbents. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2018, 27:89-98.

  52. Yan Feng, Jiang Jianguo*, Liu Nuo, Gao Yuchen, Meng Yuan, Li Kaimin, Chen Xuejing. Green synthesis of mesoporous γ-Al2O3 from coal fly ash with simultaneous on-site utilization of CO2. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359, 535–543.

  53. Xiaoniu Yu, Chunxiang Qian, Jianguo Jiang*. The influence of curing time on properties of the sand columns cemented by bio-barium phosphate. Construction & Building Materials, 188(2018) 255-261.

  54. Sicong Tian*, Jianguo Jiang, Zuotai Zhang, Vasilije Manovic. Inherent potential of global iron and steel industry to exceed the mid- to long-term decarbonisation targets. Nature Communications, 2018, 9:4422-4429

  55. Quan Zou#*, Honglin Xiang#, Jianguo Jiang*, Dean Li, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Feng Yan, Nuo Liu. Vanadium and chromium-contaminated soil remediation using VFAs derived from food waste as soil washing agents: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 232: 895-901.

  56. Xiaoniu Yu, Chunxiang Qian, Jianguo Jiang*. Desert sand cemented by bio-magnesium ammonium phosphate cement and its microscopic properties. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 200: 116-123.

  57. Sicong Tian*, Feng Yan, Zuotai Zhang, Jianguo Jiang. Calcium-looping reforming of methane realizes in situ CO2 utilization with improved energy efficiency. Science Advances, 2019, 5(4): eaav5077.

  58. Yuan Meng, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuchen Gao, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Tongyao Ju, Yiwen Xu, Nuo Liu. Biogas upgrading to methane: application of regenerable polyethyleneimine-impregnated polymeric resin (NKA-9) via CO2 sorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361: 294-303.

  59. Quan Zou#*, Yuchen Gao#, Soyoung Yi, Jianguo Jiang*, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Dean Li, Meng Yang. Multi-step column leaching using low-molecular-weight organic acids for remediating vanadium- and chromium-contaminated soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 15406-15413.

  60. Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuchen Gao, Yuan Meng, Quan Zou, Meng Yang, Yiwen Xu, Siyu Han, Weiwei Yan, Tuerxun Tuerhong. The effect of vanadium on essential element uptake of Setaria viridis' seedlings. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 237: 399-407.

  61. Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Jianguo Jiang*, Lee Blaney, Quan Zou, Yuchen Gao, Yuan Meng, Meng Yang, Yiwen Xu. The detoxification effect of liquid digestate on vanadium toxicity to seed germination and seedling growth of dog’s tail grass. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 369: 456-464.

  62. Quan Zou, Dean Li, Jianguo Jiang*, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Yuchen Gao, Nuo Liu, Jiwei Liu. Geochemical simulation of the stabilization process of vanadium-contaminated soil remediated with calcium oxide and ferrous sulfate. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 174: 498-505.

  63. Xiaoniu Yu, Jianguo Jiang*. Phosphate microbial mineralization removes nickel ions from electroplating wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 245: 447-453.

  64. Yuan Meng, Jianguo Jiang*, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Tongyao Ju, Yuchen Gao, Jiwei Liu, Siyu Han. Feasibility of CO2 capture from O2–containing flue gas using a polyethylenimine–functionalized sorbent: oxidative stability in long–term operation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11: 33781-33791.

  65. Jiwei Liu, Jianguo Jiang*, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Yuan Meng, Meng Yang, Yiwen Xu, Yuchen Gao, Quan Zou, Xuejing Chen. Removal of phosphate from aqueous solution using MgO-modified magnetic biochar derived from anaerobic digestion residue. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 250: 109438.

  66. Tongyao Ju, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuan Meng, Feng Yan, Yiwen Xu, Yuchen Gao, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti. An investigation of the effect of ultrasonic waves on the efficiency of silicon extraction from coal fly ash. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020, 60: 104765.

  67. Xiaoniu Yu, Jianguo Jiang*. Phosphate microbial mineralization consolidation of waste incineration fly ash and removal of lead ions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 161: 110224.

  68. Yuchen Gao, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuan Meng, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Tongyao Ju, Xuejing Chen, Feng Yan. A novel nickel catalyst supported on activated coal fly ash for syngas production via biogas dry reforming. Renewable Energy, 2020, 149: 786–793.

  69. Aikelaimu Aihemaitia, Yuchen Gao, Yuan Meng, Xuejing Chen, Jiwei Liu, Honglin Xiang, Yiwen Xu, Jianguo Jiang*. Review of plant-vanadium physiological interactions, bioaccumulation, and bioremediation of vanadium-contaminated sites. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 712, 135637.

  70. H. Fakhar*, J. Jiang. A zero-waste approach to blast furnace slag by synthesis of mesoporous nanosilica with high surface area. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 17: 309–318.

  71. Jiwei Liu, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuan Meng, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Yiwen Xu, Honglin Xiang, Yuchen Gao, Xuejing Chen. Preparation, environmental application and prospect of biochar-supported metal nanoparticles: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388: 122026.

  72. Yuchen Gao, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Jianguo Jiang*, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Xuejing Chen, Jiwei Liu. Inspection over carbon deposition features of various nickel catalysts during biogas dry reforming. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 260: 120944.

  73. Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Yuchen Gao, Li Liu, Guodong Yang, Siyu Han, Jianguo Jiang*. Effects of liquid digestate on the valence state of vanadium in plant and soil and microbial community response. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 265: 114916. (DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114916)

  74. Nuo Liu, Jianguo Jiang*. Valorisation of food waste using salt to alleviate inhibition by animal fats and vegetable oils during anaerobic digestion. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2020, 143: 105826.

  75. Nuo Liu, Jianguo Jiang*. Effects of activated carbon on the in-situ control of odorous gases emitted from anaerobic digestion of food waste and the microbial community response. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2021, 21, 101170.

  76. Xiaoniu Yu, Jianguo Jiang*, Jiwei Liu, Wei Li. Review on potential uses, cementing process, mechanism and syntheses of phosphate cementitious materials by the microbial mineralization method. Construction & Building Materials, 2021, 273, 121113.

  77. Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Yuchen Gao, Jiwei Liu, Jianguo Jiang*. Exploring the stability on exposure to acid impurities of polyethyleneimine-functionalized silica for post-combustion CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421, 127754.

  78. Yuchen Gao, Ayub Golmakani, Jianguo Jiang*, Seyed Ali Nabavi,  Vasilije Manovic*. Simulative optimization of catalyst configuration for biogas dry reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(24), 12835-12845.

  79. Kaimin Li*, Jianguo Jiang*. An investigation into the adverse effects of O2, SO2, and NOx on polyethyleneimine functional CO2 adsorbents. SN Applied Sciences, 2021, 3, 346.

  80. Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Jianguo Jiang*. High-End Reclamation of Coal Fly Ash Focusing on Elemental Extraction and Synthesis of Porous Materials. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 6894-6911.

  81. Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jianguo Jiang*. On the state of the art of crystalline structure reconstruction of coal fly ash: A focus on zeolites. Chemosphere, 2021, 283, 131010.

  82. Siyu Han, Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Yufeng Du, Honglin Xiang, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Jianguo Jiang*. Evaluation of various microwave-assisted acid digestion procedures for the determination of major and heavy metal elements in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 321, 128922.

  83. Yufeng Du, Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Tian Lan, Siyu Han, Jianguo Jiang*. A review on municipal solid waste pyrolysis of different composition for gas production. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 224, 107026.

  84. Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Yufeng Du, Fanzhi Meng, Jianguo Jiang*. Discovering the interference of hydrogen sulfide on polyethylenimine-functionalized porous resin for biogas upgrading via CO2 adsorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 14722-14734.

  85. Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Mengzhu Song, Jianguo Jiang*. Insights into the critical role of abundant–porosity supports in polyethylenimine functionalization as the efficient and stable CO2 adsorbents. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 54018-54031.

  86. Mengzhu Song, Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jianguo Jiang*. A review on the applications of microbially induced carbonate precipitation in solid waste treatment and soil remediation. Chemosphere, 2021, 2021:9974027.

  87. Tian Lan; Yuan Meng; Tongyao Ju; Zhehong Chen; Yufeng Du; Yongchi Deng; Mengzhu Song; Siyu Han; Jianguo Jiang*. Synthesis and application of geopolymers from municipal waste incineration fly ash (MSWI FA) as raw ingredient-A review. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 182:106308.

  88. Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Mengzhu Song, Jianguo Jiang*. Occurrences and patterns of major elements in coal fly ash under multi-acid system during microwave digestion processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 359:131950.

  89. Fanzhi Meng; Siyu Han; Yuan Meng; Tongyao Ju; Li Lin; Jianguo Jiang*. Effects of alkyl group on MEA derivatives for biomethane from biogas upgrading. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10(22): 7299-7308.

  90. Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Yuchen Gao, Tongyao Ju, Honglin Xiang, Jianguo Jiang*. Biogas upgrading with various single and blended amines solutions: Capacities and kinetics. Energy, 2022, 253: 124195.

  91. Tian Lan; Yuan Meng; Tongyao Ju; Mengzhu Song; Zhehong Chen; Pengfei Shen; Yufeng Du; Yongchi Deng; Siyu Han; Jianguo Jiang*. Manufacture of alkali-activated and geopolymer hybrid binder (AGHB) by municipal waste incineration fly ash incorporating aluminosilicate supplementary cementitious materials (ASCM). Chemosphere, 2022, 303: 134978.

  92. Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Li Lin, Jianguo Jiang*. Effects of hydroxyethyl group on MEA derivatives for biomethane from biogas upgrading. Fuel, 2022, 325: 124874.

  93. Jinglin Li, Tongyao Ju, Li Lin, Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Yufeng Du, Mengzhu Song, Tian Lan, Jianguo Jiang*. Biodrying with the Hot-Air Aeration System for Kitchen Food Waste. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 319: 115656.

  94. Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Li Lin, Jianguo Jiang*. A comparative study of the effects of several aqueous amines on biogas upgrading based on 13C NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 369: 133288.

  95. Siyu Han, Yingchun Song, Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Fanzhi Meng, Mengzhu Song, Li Lin, Mengdan Liu, Jinglin Li, Jianguo Jiang*. Recycling municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in super-lightweight aggregates by sintering with clay and using SiC as bloating agent. Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 135895.

  96. Yufeng Du, Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Siyu Han, Jianguo Jiang*. Pyrolysis characteristics of excavated waste and generation mechanism of gas products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 370: 133489.

  97. Mengzhu Song; Tian Lan; Yuan Meng; Tongyao Ju; Zhehong Chen; Pengfei Shen; Yufeng Du; Yongchi Deng; Siyu Han; Jianguo Jiang*. Effect of microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation treatment on the solidification and stabilization of MSWI fly ash based materials incorporated with metakaolin. Chemosphere, 2022, 308: 136089

  98. Fanzhi Meng, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jianguo Jiang*. Research progress of aqueous amine solution for CO2 capture: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022, 168: 112902.

  99. Li Lin, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Jinglin Li, Yufeng Du, Mengzhu Song, Tian Lan, Jianguo Jiang*. Characteristics, application and modeling of solid amine adsorbents for CO2 capture: A review. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 325: 116438.

  100. Gao Yuchen*, Jiang Jianguo, Meng Yuan, Ju Tongyao, Han Siyu. Influence of H2S and NH3 on biogas dry reforming using Ni catalyst: A study on single and synergetic effect. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(3):32.

  101. Fanzhi Meng, Yuan Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Jianguo Jiang*. Study on biogas upgrading characteristics and reaction mechanism of low energy consumption 2-Amino-2-methylpropanol (AMP)/piperazine (PZ)/H2O mixed amines. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 310: 123195.

  102. Fanzhi Meng, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Kailun Chen,Jianguo Jiang*. Novel Monoethanolamine Absorption Using Ionic Liquids as Phase Splitter for CO2 Capture in Biogas Upgrading: High CH4 Purity and Low Energy Consumption. Chemical Engineering Journal(accepted)

  103. Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Yufeng Du, Mengzhu Song, Tian Lan, Jianguo Jiang*. Porous silica synthesis out of coal fly ash with no residue generation and complete silicon separation. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2023, 17(9):112.

  104. Siyu Han, Tongyao Ju, Fanzhi Meng, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Kailun Chen, Jianguo Jiang*. Comprehensive study of recycling municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in lightweight aggregate with bloating agent:Effects of water washing and bloating mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 881: 163267.

  105. Tongyao Ju, Yuan Meng, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Yufeng Du, Mengzhu Song, Tian Lan, Jianguo Jiang*. A multi-win strategy for coal fly ash disposal by CO2 fixation and mesoporous silica synthesis. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 881: 163822.

  106. Li Lin, Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Jinglin Li, Jianguo Jiang*。Comparison of characteristics and performance between PEI and DETA impregnated on SBA-15 for CO2 capture. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 322: 124346.

  107. Meng Fanzhi, Ju Tongyao, Han Siyu, Lin Li, Li Jinglin, Chen Kailun, Jiang Jianguo*. Novel low energy mixed . Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 326: 124724.

  108. Tongyao Ju, Siyu Han, Yuan Meng, Li Lin, Fanzhi Meng, Jinlin Li, Jianguo Jiang*. Analysis of enrichment, correlation, and leaching patterns of rare earth elements in coal fly ash assisted by statistical measures. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 902: 166070.

  109. Fanzhi Meng; Tongyao Ju; Siyu Han; Li Lin; Jinglin Li; Kailun Chen; Jianguo Jiang*. Study on the effectiveness of ionic liquid-based biphasic amine solvent in removing H2S, NH3 and CO2 from biogas and its influential characteristics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474: 145805.

  110. Siyu Han, Kailun Chen, Fanzhi Meng, Yuchen Gao, Jinglin Li, Li Lin, Weikai Qin, Jianguo Jiang*. pH-controlled sulfuric acid washing enhancing heavy metal stabilization in lightweight aggregate production from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 430: 139774.

  111. Jinglin Li, Li Lin, Tongyao Ju, Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Kailun Chen, Jianguo Jiang*. Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of solid waste for high-valued products: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2024, 189: 113979.

  112. Kailun Chen, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Yuchen Gao, Weikai Qin, Jianguo Jiang*. Acid controlled washing of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash: extraction of calcium inhibiting heavy metals and reaction kinetics. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 909: 168599.

  113. Weikai Qin, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Kailun Chen, Yuchen Gao, Jinglin Li, Li Lin, Endian Hu, Jianguo Jiang*. Impacts of seasonal variation on volatile fatty acids production of food waste anaerobic fermentation. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 912: 168764.

  114. Siyu Han, Kailun Chen, Fanzhi Meng, Yuchen Gao, Jinglin Li, Li Lin, Weikai Qin, Jianguo Jiang*. Mitigating heavy metal volatilization during thermal treatment of MSWI fly ash by using iron(III) sulfate as a chlorine depleting agent. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465: 133185.

  115. Kailun Chen, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Yuchen Gao, Weikai Qin, Endian Hu, Jianguo Jiang*. Diisobutylamine mediated CO2 mineralization and CaCO3 production from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash as raw ingredient and regeneration reagent. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 481: 148392.

  116. Li Lin, Siyu Han, Fanzhi Meng, Jinglin Li, Kailun Chen, Endian Hu, Jianguo Jiang*。The influence of pore size and pore structure of silica-based material on the amine-modified adsorbent for CO2 capture。Separation and Purification Technology(accepted)

  117. Yang Guodong, Liu Mengdan, Gao Yuchen*, Han Siyu, Meng Fanzhi, Ju Tongyao, JIANG Jianguo. A review on the evaluation models and impact factors of greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste management processes。Environmental Science and Pollution Research(accepted)

  118.  Fanzhi Meng, Siyu Han, Li Lin, Jinglin Li, Kailun Chen, Jianguo Jiang*。Process optimization and mechanism study of ionic liquid-based mixed amine biphasic solvents for CO2 capture in biogas upgrading process。Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering(accepted)



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