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After weeks of preparations, the Tsinghua University SSG and SDG Hackathon program officially started on 28 June. A team of students and teachers from the School of Environment were mainly responsible for Hack2: Sustainable Solutions for Addressing Environmental Pollution in the SDG Hackathon. Over the past two days, the Hack2 students have completed a series of ice-breaking sessions, problem formulation and team formation with the assistance of the TA team, taking the first solid step towards completing the Hackathon.


The evening of 28 June was an ice-breaking session. Students with different cultural and academic backgrounds speak actively in the icebreaker session. Not only did they introduce themselves enthusiastically, they also came up with many impressive project themes, covering most of the hot areas in the environmental field and having good crossover with other disciplines; with the active attempts of all students and the guidance of the teaching assistant team, several groups of students have successfully formed their own teams.


The evening of 29 June was divided into two sessions, starting with lectures by the teachers. Prof. Hou, Deyi gave an overview of the SDG Hackathon and Hack2, including the theme, purpose, format, schedule and assessment methods of the Hackathon. Afterwards, Prof. Li, Jinhui and Prof. Hou, Deyi gave keynote speeches on the topics of building a zero-waste city and tackling soil pollution respectively, introducing the students to the background knowledge on these two environmental issues and helping to broaden their minds and ignite inspiration. At the end of the lectures and Q&A sessions, the teachers expressed their appreciation for the students' diligence in thinking and asking questions, while the students also said they had benefited a lot from the lectures.


Another part of the evening of 29 June was devoted to team formation and group discussions. On the evening of the 29th, the team formation was basically finished and progress was made regarding work division, selection of topics and problem identification.

如,第7组的同学聚焦在“扩展的生产者责任在塑料饮料容器和循环经济中的作用”这一话题。队长蔡伯贤同学做了大量的准备工作,因此团队一开始就可以进入内容层面的讨论。为了更高效的工作,同学们还建立了微信群和Google Drive。助教孙若水密切跟进小组的讨论成果并提供了可能有用的数据库信息。

Group 7 focused on ‘Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Beverage Containers and Circular Economy’. Team leader Edward has done great preparation work and the team dived into the content quickly. For better communication, a WeChat group and a Google Drive were established for convenience. TA Ternence kept close track with their work and provided datasets they may need.

在第10组中,具有不同知识背景的同学们在短时间内通过搜集资料,查阅文献,做到了快速了解自己所感兴趣项目的,并能够将较广阔的研究范围聚焦到某一典型河流,一起探讨,队长Yi Lin在相关数据网站找到所需要的数据资料,组内同学各自发表观点看法,迅速搭建出研究框架,推进接下来的工作。

Students with different background knowledge got a general understanding of the theme they interested in in a short period of time by collecting information, literature. In addition, they quickly focused their broad research scope to a certain river, discussed together. Yi Lin, the team leader, found the required data on the relevant data websites. The students in the group expressed their opinions and quickly built the research framework and promote the following work.


Over the next 7 days, the teamsareexpected to go through stages including keynote lectures, generating ideas as well as cross-pitch, and presenting their final proposals for Hack2 on 5 July. We look forward to seeing the teams' impressive results in the future!